While I was on the lookout for shoot 'em up bullet hell games like Vampire Survivors, Jotunnslayer: Hordes of Hel caught my attention. Это нисходящая RPG, вдохновленная норвежкой мифологией, где вы боретесь с полчищами врагов, используя ваши особые способности при выполнении назначенных задач. In this guide, I've included everything a beginner player needs to know to get started with Jotunnslayer.
Jotunnslayer: Орды Hel в настоящее время находятся в раннем доступе и оснащен ограниченным контентом, однако разработчики планируют с течением времени отбросить обновления до окончательного запуска игры. Players can purchase the early access version for $10 on Steam and Epic Games storefronts. Let's take a deep dive into the gameplay and mechanics.
Currently, there are four playable classes in Jotunnslayer Hordes of Hel: Berserker, Seeress, Flame Sister, and Revenant . Each character has a unique set of abilities called Class Traits that take effect or are activated automatically while playing. More classes are to be added to the game in future updates.
The Berserker carries an axe as his primary weapon and is built for close combat, just like Flame Sister who uses a dagger. Помересса и Ревенант используют персонал и лук соответственно, которые делают их идеальным выбором для игроков, ищущих класс, ориентированный на атаки. You can check out all of the characters and their respective Class Traits in the table below.
Сорт | Class Traits |
Берсеркер | Rage : Attacks can trigger his full violent potential. (HP Regeneration +3/s, Damage +20%) Hot Blood : As the Berserker loses health, his attacks become increasingly faster. (Attack Speed +0.5% per 1% of missing health) Survivor : Berserker can withstand intense punishment. (HP Regeneration +1/s, Maximum Health +100) |
Seeress | Eldritch Wards : Shield charges give invulnerability when taking damage. (Charge Cooldown 35s, Invulnerability Duration 1s) Malicious Wisdom : Experience Crystals can inflict damage on nearby enemies. (Damage 5, Chance 25%) Fortune : You can see the future. (Bonus Skill or Reward Chance 25%) |
Flame Sister | Blazing Soul : Ever-burning soul randomly bursts into nearby enemies dealing damage. (Damage 26, Heal 20 HP) Dasher : A bonus ability to escape from any danger. (Dash Charge +1, Evasion +20%) Inferno : A fiery attack with the potential to inflict burn damage. (Burn Chance 15%) |
Revenant | Haunting Wolf : Release a wolf spirit to hunt down enemies. (Damage 25, Cooldown 5s) Ethereal Arrows : Arrows have a chance to transform into a pass-through version. (Passthrough Chance 15%) Ghostwalk : You enter a protective ghost form when dashing (Damage Reduction 50%) |
After you've determined what character to play with, you can customize the hero in a few ways. Firstly, you can select from a variety of Weapons available for that class. For instance, Revenant features three types of bows and each comes with a different Weapon Skill and bonus ability. The default weapon is perfect for beginners as the remaining need to be unlocked for gems.
Thereafter, you can select Skins to further customize your class. These are cosmetics and don't impact the gameplay, nonetheless, you have the option to deploy into hell with style. If you can spare some extra cash, get the Odin's Legendary Armor Pack as it includes themed skins for all four classes.
Initially, players can experience only two worlds in Jotunnslayer Hordes of Hel: Niflheim and Muspelheim . While the former world is covered in freezing darkness, the latter is a fiery wasteland. More worlds including Jotunheim, Svartalfheim, and Helheim are to be added in future content drops. The locations aren't just aesthetically different but also have unique monsters of their own.
Before beginning a match, you can customize the location by setting Difficulty and Modifiers . Below are all the location difficulties available in Jotunnslayer Hordes of Hel and their attributes.
Сложность | Enemy Difficulty | Raid Time (min) | Цели | Resource Bonus |
Легкий | 100% | 10:00 | 3 | 0% |
Нормальный | 150% | 15:00 | 4 | 35% |
Жесткий | 200% | 17:00 | 5 | 70% |
Безумный | 250% | 20:00 | 6 | 120% |
To access the higher difficulties, you'll have to complete the level in the lower difficulty first. Each world also offers some Modifiers that come with some pros and cons. You can assign some to make the gameplay favorable to your play style. Here are the Modifiers available on Niflheim:
Модификатор | Атрибуты | Unlock Condition |
Brave Chicken | Enemy Damage -30% Objective Rewards -50% | Fall twice in Raid |
Зловещие мертвецы | Invulnerability Duration 5s Chance 5% Trigger: Death Resource Bonus +30% | Kill 150 Wraiths in Niflheim |
Time Rush | Movement Speed +10% Cooldown -10% Attack Speed +10% Resource Bonus +30% | Complete Niflheim with Evil Dead activated |
Greedy Masochist | Enemy Damage +30% Resource Bonus +30% | Complete Niflheim on Hard Difficulty |
Bad Cards | One less Skill or Reward Resource Bonus +30% | - |
Talentless Child | Experience Gained -25% Resource Bonus +30% | - |
Now that character and location selection is out of the way, beginners must understand the Attack Preferences setting in Jotunnslayer Hordes of Hel before diving into the gameplay. This setting determines how the attack mechanics will work. Here are the available options and how they function:
I suggest the default setting for new players, ie, Smart Attack Mode and Automatic Aim Mode. This will keep things simple and you'll have to focus on moving around, dashing, and dodging the enemies. Тем не менее, попробуйте предпочтения в ручной атаке после того, как вы получили некоторый опыт, так как это может быть весело для некоторых игроков, которые хотят вызов и хотят большего контроля над маневрами атаки своего героя.
Your goal after deploying into hell is to survive the hordes of enemies while leveling up the hero and completing objectives. There is plenty of time to complete the objectives, especially for beginners who are playing on Easy or Normal difficulty. Your character initially has the default weapon attack, Class Traits, and Weapon Skill, which we've talked about previously.
Maintain some distance between yourself and the hordes of enemies, which keep getting more powerful and bigger as the raid time passes by. Мертвые враги бросают кристаллы , которые вам нужно собрать, прогуливаясь рядом с ними, так как они помогут вам повысить уровень героя и приобрести новые способности и атаки.
Always keep an eye on the HP Bar at the bottom left corner and take a back peddle when your survival is at stake. Let the health regenerate slowly or consume Food dropped by enemies for an instant HP boost. Food appears as the meat symbol on the minimap on the top right as well.
Make sure to collect Gold dropped after killing golden enemies, defeating bosses, and objective completion. It can be used to purchase new weapons for your characters from the main menu. Keep leveling up your class, defend against enemy hordes, and complete objectives within the allotted time until the final boss fight. Defeating the Jotunn to finish the raid and unlock the main reward.
In Niflheim, the objectives I received during the Easy and Normal difficulty raids were pretty straightforward. Below of some of the objectives in Jotunnslayer Hordes of Hel and how they work:
Завершение всех трех целей в легкой сложности (четыре в нормальной сложности и т. Д.) Оценит портал, откуда вы начнете последнюю миссию, чтобы победить главного босса: вызвать jotunn .
As you level up, a screen will pop up asking you to choose the Skill Type between the Class or God . Класс останется таким же, как и ваш приобретенный герой, т.е. вы получите возможность для Revenant только в том случае, если вы играете в качестве ревенанта во время матча. However, you may get any of the four Gods: Thor, Loki, Freya, Odin .
Это меню появляется каждый раз, когда вы получаете уровень, играя и собирая кристаллы, поэтому не беспокойтесь о том, чтобы пропустить определенную силу, так как вы получите много шансов приобрести его во время рейда. I suggest acquiring any God Skill Type initially as these can grant you powerful attack moves. You can later unlock the Class Skill Type to strengthen your hero's base abilities.
With Skill Type level up, you can acquire up to 3 God Autocasts and 2 Class Autocasts . These are attack moves that are performed along with your hero's basic maneuver. You can also gain up to 6 Passives that give you, well, passive buffs. Autocasts and Passives can also be leveled up to increase their effectiveness. Кроме того, если вам не нравится показанный вам тип навыков, используйте вариант перерыва , чтобы получить новые и изгнать , чтобы они полностью исчезнули для этого раунда.
Later in your character's leveling-up journey, you'll get the option to choose a Subclass instead of the usual Skill Type. Pick this one carefully as per your requirement and playstyle as it can grant you a powerful buff, unlike the passives. Например, я выбрал Целота для Берсеркера во время моего прохождения, так как у меня было много навыков Бога, и этот подкласс значительно сократил перезарядку для тех.
Treasure Chests will also appear on your minimap from time to time, so keep an eye out for these and open them when possible. Они могут обеспечить временные, но мощные способности , которые могут оказаться очень полезными при борьбе с ордами или боссами (см. Второе изображение выше). Below are some of the common Treasure Chest rewards in Jotunnslayer Hordes of Hel:
Последние три награды, упомянутые выше, взяты из сундука с сокровищами Freya, поэтому последствия вознаграждения постоянно применяются к вашему герою и также являются сложенными.
As mentioned before, the final boss fight can only be started after you've completed all the objectives depending on your difficulty level. Встаньте на маркировку на земле, чтобы вызвать jotunn (появляется на минимуме), и монстр появится после короткого заставка (что, к счастью, можно скидно).
The boss's HP bar and attack strength will be determined by what level of difficulty you're playing on. Having said that, beginners don't need to worry as the beast is not that tough to defeat in Easy or Normal modes. If you get too close, the monster will perform a smash attack followed by a barrage of rockets . The target area is highlighted in red , so stay out of it to avoid taking damage. You can always rely on the dash to dodge . Fight the boss while keeping yourself alive to finish the raid and claim the rewards.
What was initially available as Virtues in Jotunnslayer Hordes of Hel, has now been converted into the Skill Tree. Хотя разблокировки способности Boost больше не столь столь оптимизированы, это изменение представляет собой классическое поглощение механика дерева навыков, как и большинство других игр. There is a separate skill tree for each Class and God. Для начинающих я предлагаю начать с обновления дерева навыков Бога для вашей предпочтительной божественной силы , то есть бога, чье оружие вам нравится больше всего. You can simultaneously level up and obtain skills for your favorite Class to make a strong build for higher difficulty raidsin Jotunnslayer.
If you're familiar with Vampire Survivors, check out How to beat Slogra and Gaibon in Vampire Survivors Ode to Castlevania on Pro Game Guides.