13 line color coded Tajweed Quran app
13 line colour-coded Tajweed Quran app using high-resolution images.
1. Viewable in portrait and landscape mode.
2. Ability to save to bookmarks.
3. Ability to save favourites.
4. Search by Surah
I deliberately at this stage avoided many features and addons that other Quran apps have i.e. Audio. It is meant to be a plain and simple Tajweed app that replicates a real Mushaf [The book that contains the Quran], period!
3. the landscape view will not stretch images as it will look skewed. So you will need to zoom in for better reading.
Please use the following contact form to let me know about any issues: http://www.meaningofquran.com/contact/
JazakAllah. Remember me in your dua's as you read. Please let others know about this app.