PTCL SMART TV (Official) Apk 2.1.3
Life Entertainment
Update Time:October 26, 2024
Subscribe and watch TV on your smart device
PTCL Smart TV Application brings 100+ Live TV channels on your android mobile phones and tablets along with interactive features for its viewers in Pakistan.
PTCL Smart TV application has been nominated for the GSMA Global Mobile Awards (GLOMO) 2016 in the ‘Best Mobile App (Media, Film, TV or Video) category.
** In order to enjoy the SMART TV App services, please subscribe using the application "Signup now" button.
** You can pay the subscription fee using either Prepaid OR Postpaid mode of Payments. Please visit the signup section in the application for details.
** In case you have any query you may write to us: [email protected]
** Call: 1218