Existem todos os tipos de novos itens na 7ª temporada de Diablo . Na verdade, há muito para os jogadores se familiarizarem com que isso pode parecer esmagador, mesmo para os jogadores mais obstinados. So, here are all 19 Occult Gems in Diablo 4 Season 7 and what they do.
É sempre bom receber um impulso, e as gemas ocultas fazem exatamente isso na 7ª temporada de Diablo 4. Cada uma fornece 160 armaduras e 8% resistindo a todos, mas há muito mais para eles do que isso. Here's a list of all of the Occult Gems in Diablo 4 Season of Witchcraft and what they do:
Occult Gem Name | Occult Gem Description |
Cornucópia | While you have three or more Growth % Decay Witch Powers slotted, you generate 30% more Barrier, gain 30% more Fortify and have 30% more Thorns. |
Dust Stone | For each of your Auras and Hexes an enemy is afflicted by, they take 2.5% increased damage from you. |
Elder Sigil | Your Agility, Corpse, Incarnate, Mastery, Weapon Master, and Wrath Skills deal 25% increased direct damage to Hexed enemies. This Skill now has a Potency skill tag instead of Potency. |
Friend of the Bog | While you have three or more Growth & Decay Witch Powers slotted, you gain 10% primary stat, 10% Maximum Life and you are always Unhindered. |
Heart of Anima | Your Non-Unique Psyche Witch Powers gain 25% Potency. |
Hungering Void | While you have an Aura active, pull Nearby enemies toward you every 8 seconds. |
Killing Wind | While you have three or more Eldritch Witch Powers slotted, gain 25% Movement Speed and 15% Critical Strike Chance. |
Mind Wreath | While you have three or more Psyche Witch Powers slotted, your Defensive, Macabre, Trap Skills gain 20% Cooldown Reduction. |
Moonlight Ward | For each rank in your slotted Unique Witchcraft Power, you gain 3% Damage Reduction and 0.5% |
Phantom String | You deal 15% more Overpower damage to Hexed enemies. |
Pointed Finger | Your Summons deals 15% more direct damage to Hexed Elites. |
Raging Enigma | Your Unique Witchcraft Powers deal 40% more damage. |
Spiral Coin | While you have three or more Psyche Witch Powers slotted, gain 30% Control Duration and 20% Lucky Hit Chance. |
Toadling's Wish | Your Non-Unique Growth & Decay witch Powers gain 35% Potency. |
Vile Phylactery | While you have a Witch Power with the Summon tag slotted, if you would take fatal damage, instead prevent that damage. Then gain a Barrier equal to 100% of your Maximum Life and disable your Witchcraft Powers with the Summon tag for 6 seconds. This can only occur once every 75 seconds. |
Vulture Talon | While you have an Aura active, you deal Damage Over Time 50% faster. |
Voice of the Stars | While you have an Aura active, your Ultimate Skills gain each Grimoire tag and deal 10% more damage. |
Wicked Pact | Your Non-Unique Eldritch Witch Powers gain 25% Potency. |
Witching Hour | While you have three or more Eldritch Witch Powers slotted, every 1 second, the next Core Skill you cast gains the Eldritch tag. |
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Armed with all that information, it's time to go out and get to work on crafting gems. The first step is to grab a Fugitive Head from a Headhunt and take it to Gelena at the Tree of Whispers. After that, players will need to stockpile three resources – Fugitive Heads, Restless Rot, and Gem Fragments. They can then return to Gelena at any time to continue to add Occult Gems to their inventory.
Occult Gems also offer higher tiers that make their abilities more potent, and the process for crafting them is mostly the same; the only difference is that players must turn in their Occult Gems in order to upgrade them.
Vai demorar muito trabalho para criar uma jóia oculta, muito menos todos os 19, mas valerá a pena no final, especialmente porque as lendas dizem que permitem que as pessoas trapaceiem a morte.
And that's all 19 Occult Gems in Diablo 4 Season 7. If you're looking for more, here's how to solve and complete Poison in the Roots.
Diablo 4is disponível agora no PC, Xbox e PlayStation.