Over the course of your journey in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 , you'll come across several treasure maps that lead you to valuable goodies. They're not always easy to crack though, so here's how to find Ventza's treasure in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 .
By doing the blacksmith's questline during the Wedding Crashers section in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 , you'll eventually be tasked with getting the cart back. During this process, Hired Hand Ventza will be killed, and you'll get the map by looting his body.
The treasure is located in the southern part of Apollonia, as shown in the map screenshot down below.
You'll be looking for the Tunnel in the Cliffs, but instead of going into the cave, look for a large rock on the right-hand side. Lift up the rock to find the treasure, which consists of the following:
While you're here, you might as well explore the Tunnel in the Cliffs too. Dentro da caverna, você encontrará outro mapa do tesouro na parede, que o direciona a uma formação rochosa ao norte de Trosky Castle, na floresta.
The tricky part here is that the loot is locked inside a chest, which you need to lockpick. The lockpicking difficulty is set to medium, so you might have a bit of trouble getting all of the loot if you're not good with the mini-game. The treasure consists of the following items:
And that's how to get Ventza's treasure in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 . Certifique -se de pesquisar no site mais dicas e informações sobre o jogo, incluindo um resumo de todas as opções de romance e as melhores vantagens para obter primeiro.