Exploring Atlantis in Fisch is no small feat. It involves uncovering hidden levers, detonating ruins, and using a celestial artifact to open the portal. If you're ready to take on the challenge, here's everything you need to know to safely explore this new area:
Getting to Atlantis is an adventure in itself. You'll first need the Heart of Zeus , an artifact hidden within a submerged passage. To do so, you'll need to locate five levers on the Forsaken Shores , set off an explosive, and master some underwater ruins. Let's start with the first step—finding all the levers.
The levers you need to unlock the TNT are scattered across the Forsaken Shores. Embora você esteja tentado a perguntar ao capitão dos piratas dos misteriosos piratas na área do Grand Reef para orientação, é mais rápido ir direto para os locais. It's also cheaper, because bribing him costs 10,000C$ each time you want information. Each lever is cleverly tucked away, so use the coordinates below to track them down:
Alavanca | Descrição | GPS Coordinates |
1 | At the back of the Merchant's stall, on the right. | (-2523, 135, 1581) |
2 | On the side of the rock above the Skin Merchant (near the canon). | (-2560, 149, 1670) |
3 | Behind the waterfall that's near the second lever (walk east-northeast to the small pond). | (-2705, 164, 1721) |
4 | Left of the wooden bridge near the top of Forsaken Shores (climb the ladders by the waterfall to the top of the island). | (-2877, 316, 1616) |
5 | At the entrance to the bottom of the skull cave, on the right side (where you can enter through the mouth). | (-2846, 132.5, 1513) |
Quando todas as cinco alavancas forem ativadas, uma grande caixa de TNT aparecerá dentro do marco do crânio nas margens abandonadas - sim, a que você pode encontrar medula de jack. Pegue o TNT (na verdade são três TNTs).
With the TNT secured, the next step is to blast open the underwater ruins. To do this, you'll need to equip your diving gear, preferably the Advanced Diving Gear, or you may find yourself running out of air. If you don't have that version, head to coordinates (-790, 130, -3103) near the Grand Reef and look for a buoy. You can buy Advanced Diving Gear there for 15,000C$ . It's possible to do this with Basic Diving Gear and Flippers, but you'll need to place the TNT, go up for air, and then go back down.
Once you're ready, go to the Grand Reef . Here's something no other guide is saying: Dive from the left side of the Mysterious Pirates' ship. If you equip your gear and dive from there, you'll find a temple-like structure right at the bottom with rocks at its entrance. The TNT should be placed on the starfish in front of the closed-up entrance. You'll need to swim down while using E to place the TNT, or you'll float away from the position.
Once the TNT is in place, locate the TNT trigger at the bottom of the stairs and activate it to detonate the explosives. This will reveal a hidden underwater pathway leading deeper into the ruins.
Follow the newly opened passage down, and then to the left. Surface into the temple, walk all the way to the back of the area, and you'll see the Heart of Zeus on a stone on the left side of the room. Pegue -o e pode pedir que você "siga o raio", que o levará ao local exato em que você precisa abrir o portal para a Atlantis. However, the lightning does turn on and off, so I'll tell you where to go, instead.
To enter Atlantis, you'll need to use the Heart of Zeus at the correct location during the game's night cycle. Make your way to the central island of the Grand Reef . Quando o ciclo celestial mudar para a noite, equipar o coração de Zeus e fique nas coordenadas (-3576, 151, 524) , que fica no centro da ilha central, onde há uma marca de queimadura . Equip the Heart and then left-click to activate it , which will teleport you into Atlantis.
Depois de chegar, você encontrará um guardião de Ghost Inn à esquerda, com quem você pode ficar para mudar seu ponto de desova para a Atlantis e um portal de ouro em turbilhão à direita de retornar ao Grande Recife . On the left side of the Inn Keeper, you'll find the Champions Rod for 1,000,000C$ .
Para navegar no Atlantis com segurança, você precisará de equipamentos de mergulho avançados , juntamente com nadadeiras ou super nadadeiras , para gerenciar seu tempo e oxigênio de maneira eficaz. You can visit the Atlantis Merchant , who is positioned on the east path at coordinates (-4459, -605, 1867) , for any of these items. You can also find the Depthseeker Rod at his stall for 125,000C$ .
Next, I'm going to break down each sub-area within Atlantis and tell you how to conquer the trials there.
Cardinal directions for each trial from the portal entrance of Atlantis:
The Sunken Depths is the first area that you should explore in Atlantis can be found at coordinates -4506, -603, 1848 . This glowing area is past the Atlantis merchant, over the bridge. Inside the pavilion you can see in the screenshot above, there is a raised stone table that shows five symbols on it.
Note the order of these symbols ( take a screenshot , the order is random in each server), and then walk through the archway. Once you go through the archway, you'll see a closed door and a pool of water. Para obter acesso à porta, você deve completar o julgamento afundado , um quebra -cabeça projetado para dois jogadores, mas solo factível com um pouco de esforço extra (e a captura de tela que você tirou).
Dive into the pool in front of the door and swim through the underwater maze until you reach (-5107, -680, 1710) to locate the Sunken Sigil. You'll essentially want to take the first right in the maze, and look for an archway on the left as you swim along.
Once you find the archway, you'll swim into a room with a large stone circle on the wall that has the same circles on it. Click the sigils in the order they were in on the stone table (from left to right) - if the order is correct, the sigils will light up. When you're done, return to the surface. The door should be open.
The open door will reveal a fishing area, as well as the Tempest Rod (1,850,000C$) and a Mythological Clock on the left side of the area.
To activate this Mythological Clock, stand close to it until the caption “God of Music” appears. You'll need to select the Blue Harp using the buttons below, and then press the red center button. Be cautious—inputting the wrong answer twice results in a Kraken Tentacle attack, ending your attempt. Once activated, you can progress further into Atlantis.
Before starting the trial, you'll need to make sure you're properly equipped with Flippers/Super Flippers and Advanced Diving Gear . Acesse o abismo etéreo através do túnel subaquático em -4113, -605, 1820 , que você pode encontrar caminhando para o oeste da sala central (onde está o guardião da pousada), subindo a escada e procurando a pequena piscina de água cercada por rochas espetadas, como na foto acima.
Depois de chegar ao fundo do túnel, você encontrará uma porta azul circular com dois caminhos levando a salas separadas - uma à esquerda e a outra à direita. This is where the trial begins. To initiate the trial, one player must enter the left room , while the second player enters the right room . If you go alone, nothing will happen.
As soon as both players are inside, the doors behind them will close. At this point, you'll have around 90 seconds to complete the first part of the trial.
The player in the left room will encounter a dimly lit cavern filled with walls, ceilings, and floors where glowing buttons randomly appear.
When each button is pressed, a corresponding symbol will begin glowing on the clock inside the right room . Once three buttons have been activated, the task shifts to the right-room player.
In the right room, the player will find a clock puzzle on the ground. This clock has six distinct symbols and three movable clock hands.
Once all three hands are positioned correctly, press the red button at the base of the clock to reset the puzzle. This will signal the left-room player to begin their task again.
The left and right players must repeat their respective tasks three times to complete the challenge. If either player fails during any round, the puzzle will reset, requiring an additional three rounds to finish the trial. Once all three rounds are completed successfully, the circular blue door from the entrance will open.
Além da porta azul, você encontrará outra área de pesca e a cobiçada Rod Specter Abyssal , que você pode comprar por 1.004.269c $ (que preço ímpar). Nearby, you'll notice another Mythological Clock , which will display the words "Goddess of War" if you stand next to it. Use the arrow buttons to move the clock's hand to the Orange Helmet and confirm your choice with the red button.
The Poseidon Temple is found at coordinates ( -4299, -604, 1594 ). From the center of Atlantis, head south, cross the bridge, and go into the corridor that has the soft torchlight. Dive into the pool at the end of the corridor and you'll quickly find yourself at the Temple.
To unlock the fishing area and items within, head to the right-hand side of the temple and swim through the tunnel until you can resurface . There's a large, locked door on the left side of the room, and a path heading into the depths of the room in front of you. Walk on, and there will be two separate rooms at the end. Each room contains three pedestals requiring specific fish to be placed upon them. These fish can be provided by other players , and you'll get a clue for each one if you approach the individual pedestals.
Sala | Left Pedestal | Center Pedestal | Right Pedestal |
Left Room | Ótimo tubarão de martelo | Tubarão -baleia | Tubarão de barba gelo |
Right Room | Grande tubarão branco | Megalodon antigo | Ginsu Shark |
Once the correct fish are placed, the door will open with a dramatic shake. Inside, you'll find the Poseidon Rod for 1,555,555C$ and the Poseidon Wrath Totem for 1,500,000C$ . Using the Poseidon Wrath Totem alters the water to pink, giving you the chance to catch fish with the Wrath mutation.
Behind Poseidon's chair, a Mythological Clock awaits. Standing near it reveals the caption "The King of Titans." Select the Black Scythe to complete this clock's task. Be prepared - as always, doing the incorrect symbol twice will trigger a Kraken Tentacle attack.
The Zeus Trial is located in the northern part of Atlantis, up the stairs and down through the blue portal . It's a gauntlet of timed challenges with glowing yellow crystals and a portal leading to two puzzles. Each puzzle provides a 4-digit code that must be combined to unlock the door at the top of the trial.
You can start with either puzzle:
You must do the puzzles in their entirety, forward and back. For example, if you get the code and then get zapped by Zeus, the code will reset and the one you have will be wrong. Depois de concluir os dois quebra -cabeças, suba as escadas centrais e insira as duas partes do código no teclado no lado direito da porta, que então desbloqueará.
Dentro da nova área (Sala de Rod de Zeus), você descobrirá um lugar para pescar, a vara Zeus por 1.700.000c $ , o Totem de tempestade Zeus por 1.500.000c $ e o relógio mitológico final. Standing near this clock reveals the caption "Goddess of Night." Select the Purple Moon to complete it.
Finally, we reach the last part of Atlantis. Beneath the central area of Atlantis lies the Kraken Pool, located at -4295, -991, 1792 . Esta área é marcada por estalactites nítidas e luzes coloridas que você pode reconhecer nas outras áreas em que esteve. As luzes brilhantes mostram a direção cardeal dos relógios que você ainda não resolveu - se você olhar para a captura de tela acima, mostra que o relógio oeste não é resolvido - coincidentemente, esse é o único julgamento que requer duas pessoas.
Access to the Kraken Pool is granted only after completing all four previous Mythological Clocks . When you've done this, the final clock will appear underneath the central island in Atlantis, and you can solve it to get into the Kraken Pool. Stand close to the final clock to see the caption "God of Underworld." Select the Red Spear to finish the sequence.
With the final Mythological Clock complete, the grate blocking the entrance to the Kraken Pool will open. Nade através do túnel para encontrar a haste Kraken por 1.333.333c $ e obter acesso às caçadas de Kraken extrema e difícil (veja o final deste guia para obter informações sobre como pegar Cracóvia).
Item | Cost (C$) | Localização | Estatísticas |
Champions Rod | 1,000,000C$ | On the left of the ghosty Inn Keeper by the statue. | Velocidade de atração: 15% Sorte: 70% Controle: 0,15 Resiliência: 40% Max Weight of Fish: 80,000kg |
Depthseeker Rod | 125,000C$ | Leaning against the Atlantis Merchant's stall, next to the east bridge. | Lure Speed: 55% Sorte: 20% Control: 0.17 Resiliência: 25% Max Weight of Fish: 50,000kg |
Tempest Rod | 1,850,000C$ | Found directly under the Mythological Clock after completing the Sunken Trial. | Velocidade de atração: 15% Sorte: 70% Controle: 0,15 Resiliência: 40% Max Weight of Fish: 80,000kg |
Abyssal Specter Rod | 1,004,269C$ | Found by the Mythological Clock after completing the Ethereal Abyss Trial. | Lure Speed: 25% Luck: 90% Controle: 0.1 Resilience: 60% Max Weight of Fish: Infinite |
Poseidon Rod | 1,555,555C$ | Behind the locked door after completing Poseidon's Temple Trial. | Lure Speed: 50% Luck: 165% Controle: 0.2 Resiliência: 40% Max Weight of Fish: 100,000kg |
Zeus Rod | 1,700,000C$ | Behind the locked door after completing the Zeus Trial. | Lure Speed: 40% Sorte: 70% Controle: 0,25 Resiliência: 15% Max Weight of Fish: Infinite |
Kraken Rod | 1,333,333C$ | Located in the Kraken Pool area at (-4414, -997, 2055) after beating all four trials and getting the icons correct on all five clocks. | Lure Speed: 60% Luck: 185% Controle: 0.2 Resiliência: 15% Max Weight of Fish: 115,000kg |
There are 59 fish in Atlantis that you can find within the five different areas. These are all detailed below.
Peixe | Raridade | Clima | Hora do dia | Temporada | Isca |
Poseidon's Perch | Comum | Claro | Dia | Primavera | Inseto |
Oracle Minnow | Comum | Claro | Dia | Qualquer | Flocos |
Sunken Silverscale | Comum | Claro | Dia | Verão | Camarão |
Atlantean Anchovy | Comum | Qualquer | Qualquer | Qualquer | No Preference |
Marble Maiden | Incomum | Qualquer | Qualquer | Spring, Summer | Minhoca |
Crystal Chorus | Incomum | Claro | Noite | Inverno | Camarão |
Philosopher's Fish | Incomum | Claro | Dia | Qualquer | Coral |
Atlantean Guardian | Incomum | Qualquer | Qualquer | Qualquer | Cabeça de peixe |
Helios Ray | Incomum | Claro | Dia | Verão | Cabeça de peixe |
Triton's Herald | Cru | Qualquer | Noite | Qualquer | Deep Coral |
Atlantean Alchemist | Cru | Claro | Noite | Qualquer | Cabeça de peixe |
Twilight Glowfish | Cru | Claro | Noite | Qualquer | Night Shrimp |
Deep Crownfish | Lendário | Claro | Dia | Qualquer | No Preference |
Celestial Koi | Mítico | Chuva | Noite | Inverno | Trufas worm |
Peixe | Raridade | Clima | Hora do dia | Temporada | Isca |
Atlantean Sardine | Comum | Qualquer | Dia | Qualquer | No Preference |
Column Crawler | Comum | Qualquer | Qualquer | Qualquer | Minhoca |
Neptune's Nibbler | Comum | Claro | Dia | Spring, Summer | Alga |
Aqua Scribe | Comum | Claro | Dia | Qualquer | Alga |
Echo Fisher | Incomum | Enevoado | Noite | Qualquer | Camarão |
Temple Drifter | Incomum | Claro | Dia | Qualquer | Deep Coral |
Mosaic Swimmer | Incomum | Qualquer | Qualquer | Primavera | Coral |
Oracle's Eye | Incomum | Enevoado | Noite | Inverno | Night Shrimp |
Siren Singer | Incomum | Claro | Noite | Verão | Deep Coral |
Chronos Deep Swimmer | Incomum | Qualquer | Qualquer | Qualquer | Trufas worm |
Starlit Weaver | Cru | Claro | Noite | Qualquer | Deep Coral |
Voidscale Guppy | Cru | Claro | Noite | Inverno | Night Shrimp |
Mage Marlin | Lendário | Claro | Noite | Qualquer | Cabeça de peixe |
King Jellyfish | Mítico | Claro | Noite | Inverno | Trufas worm |
Peixe | Raridade | Clima | Hora do dia | Temporada | Isca |
Colossal Carp | Comum | Qualquer | Dia | Qualquer | Alga |
Titan Tuna | Comum | Qualquer | Dia | Qualquer | Cabeça de peixe |
Leviathan Bass | Incomum | Qualquer | Noite | Qualquer | Cabeça de peixe |
Giant Manta | Incomum | Qualquer | Dia | Qualquer | Camarão |
Massive Marlin | Incomum | Qualquer | Dia | Qualquer | Cabeça de peixe |
Titanic Sturgeon | Incomum | Qualquer | Noite | Qualquer | Alga |
Titanfang Grouper | Incomum | Qualquer | Noite | Qualquer | Cabeça de peixe |
Deep Behemoth | Lendário | Qualquer | Noite | Qualquer | Trufas worm |
Deep Emperor | Lendário | Qualquer | Noite | Qualquer | Cabeça de peixe |
Abyssal Goliath | Mítico | Qualquer | Noite | Qualquer | Trufas worm |
Peixe | Raridade | Clima | Hora do dia | Temporada | Isca |
Voltfin Carp | Comum | Chuva | Qualquer | Qualquer | Minhoca |
Sparkfin Tetra | Comum | Chuva | Dia | Qualquer | Inseto |
Lightning Minnow | Comum | Chuva | Dia | Qualquer | Flocos |
Static Ray | Incomum | Chuva | Qualquer | Qualquer | Camarão |
Thunder Bass | Incomum | Chuva | Noite | Qualquer | Cabeça de peixe |
Storm Eel | Incomum | Chuva | Noite | Qualquer | Cabeça de peixe |
Lightning Pike | Cru | Chuva | Qualquer | Qualquer | Minnow |
Stormcloud Angelfish | Cru | Chuva | Qualquer | Qualquer | Camarão |
Thunder Serpent | Lendário | Chuva | Noite | Qualquer | No Preference |
Zeus' Herald | Mítico | Chuva | Noite | Qualquer | No Preference |
Peixe | Raridade | Clima | Hora do dia | Temporada | Isca |
Tentacled Horror | Incomum | Qualquer | Noite | Qualquer | Camarão |
Shadowfang Snapper | Incomum | Qualquer | Noite | Qualquer | Cabeça de peixe |
Tentacle Eel | Incomum | Qualquer | Noite | Qualquer | Cabeça de peixe |
Eldritch Horror | Cru | Qualquer | Noite | Qualquer | Trufas worm |
Deep One | Cru | Qualquer | Noite | Qualquer | Trufas worm |
Abyssal King | Lendário | Qualquer | Noite | Qualquer | Trufas worm |
Kraken's Herald | Lendário | Qualquer | Noite | Qualquer | Trufas worm |
Abyssal Devourer | Mítico | Qualquer | Noite | Qualquer | Trufas worm |
Void Emperor | Mítico | Qualquer | Noite | Qualquer | Trufas worm |
The Kraken | Exótico | Qualquer | Noite | Qualquer | Trufas worm |
Ancient Kraken | Segredo | Qualquer | Noite | Qualquer | Trufas worm |
Kraken Hunts spawn randomly in the Kraken Pool underneath Atlantis. They last around 15 minutes each and a server-wide announcement is shared when they occur.
Ancient Krakens will only spawn during Kraken Hunts created during a Poseidon's Wrath event. A ira de Poseidon ocorre quando um totem de Poseidon Wrath (da sala trancada dentro do templo de Poseidon) é usada, dando aos jogadores uma chance de 2% de pegar peixes com a mutação ira. Any Kraken Hunts that were already in progress when the totem is used will transform into Ancient Kraken Hunts .
When the effects of Poseidon's Wrath come to an end, if there is any time left in the Kraken Hunt, the Kraken will revert to its original state.
While the Kraken inflicts a -85% Progress Speed on players that hook them, the Ancient Kraken does -95% Progress Speed . Both variations prefer nighttime and like Truffle Worm bait. The average Ancient Kraken is usually around 15,000kg, so you'll need a rod that can handle that.
Looking for more Fisch guides at Pro Game Guides? Check out our Ultimate Fisch Fishing Rod Tier List and our guide to the Best Enchants for Each Rod in Fisch.