In survival games, there's always more than one way to skin a cat. Not literally, of course, but you understand the sentiment. Well, in Necesse , while there are a lot of different ways to play the game, one aspect never changes: breeding. Here's a complete guide to breeding in Necesse .
Before you try to play matchmaker with your livestock, it's important to know how to get them to stay in your settlement. The taming process works a lot like Minecraft , where you offer an animal a treat and they grow to love you. In the case of Necesse , it's Wheat, which is pretty easy to come by. Se você joga o jogo há algumas horas, provavelmente já plantou sementes de trigo por toda parte, mas também pode encontrar o recurso em cavernas.
Once you have Wheat, you can feed it to the animals directly or set up Feeding Troughs. The latter is less time-consuming, allowing you to spend more time building up your settlement and worry about keeping raiders away. However, failing to refill the Troughs will have dire consequences, with animals losing taming progress if they go hungry. If you do everything right, though, all the animals in your settlement will join your cause, and the breeding process can begin.
With an animal army behind you, the sky really is the limit in Necesse , and the easiest way to get one is to start breeding. Como Pokemon , você precisará de um animal masculino e feminino da mesma espécie para produzir filhotes (infelizmente, o jogo não apresenta sua própria versão do Ditto). Create a fence for the two of them, and as long as they're fully tamed, they should enter Love Mode. It will take a few minutes, but not long after forming the happy couple, a baby will appear in the pen. It will then take a few more minutes for them to grow to full size.
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Keep in mind that placing too many animals in a single pen may cause the breeding process to stall. That's why it's a better idea to create smaller pens for the purpose of breeding and transfer the animals you plan to use one at a time. Provavelmente, isso não parece um ótimo uso do seu tempo, especialmente à medida que você progride ainda mais, mas há uma maneira de automatizar a criação que economizará o aborrecimento de mover animais o dia todo.
Husbandry isn't everyone's passion, and that's okay. In fact, once you get to the point where you can recruit Settlers, there's one person who can take it off your plate, the Animal Keeper. You can assign him to do all the husbandry work in your settlement, including keeping the Feeding Troughs full. That will keep all of the animals happy, including the ones you've tasked with breeding. Claro, ainda cabe a você garantir que tudo fique sem problemas depois disso, mas os animais não terão que ser sua primeira prioridade.
And that's the complete animal husbandry breeding guide for Necesse .
Necesse is available now in Early Access on Steam.