Fallout 76 got off to a very rocky start back in 2018, but it's come a long way. There have been a whole host of expansions, and people absolutely are playing it. But should you? If you're wondering whether Fallout 76 is worth playing in 2025, here's the answer.
Fallout 76 is finally worth playing in 2025, after seven years of free expansions and it actually does some things other games haven't. One recent update adds in the ability to become a ghoul, once you're at a sufficiently high level. There are Fallout 4 mods to let you do this, but Fallout 76 actually has you treated differently because you're now a ghoul.
You'll still need to play the game online, but it feels like a proper Fallout game, with one exception I'll get to later. If single-player Fallout is more your thing, it won't replace Fallout 4 or Fallout: New Vegas . But even so, it's absolutely worth exploring for a while, just to soak in all the lore and the other elements it adds to the Falloutvertse.
Fallout 76 was, initially, a ghost town, with not an NPC in sight. It was horribly incomplete but seven years, it actually feels like a proper Fallout game.
Ele tem um enorme mundo aberto para passear, e tem todas as armadilhas retro-futuristas de jogos anteriores de Fallout , além de armas de energia, monstros estranhos, cofres e assim por diante. It introduces a host of new enemies and elements such as the Scorched, and boasts many, many quests to undertake.
Fallout 4’s base crafting might have not been to everyone's taste, but here you can go absolutely wild. Bases aren't just for show, either. You can build your own base and add in machines to sell the items you collect. So, while you're wandering around the wasteland, caps could be piling up at home.
That's in-game currency, I should add – you can't make real money playing Fallout 76 . But if you're feeling devious you can craft Saw -style bases that will kill players. I've fallen foul of a couple and as furious as I was, I have to tip my hat to those players' creativity. Speaking of evil, the game makes you work for it, but you can nuke sections of the main map, which is a neat mechanic.
Se você se unir a alguns amigos e ficar juntos, há muito escopo para travessuras multiplayer, assumindo o pior do deserto. Unlike the single-player Fallout 4 , you'll have someone to show your ridiculous costumes to. Even if your friends aren't into Fallout 76 , there you can join up with strangers and conquer the wasteland.
There's more content coming all the time, and unlike The Elder Scrolls Online , every expansion and piece of DLC has been free.
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Fallout 76 isn't perfect. There are a few negatives, though far fewer when it first launched. For me, my least favorite thing about the game is seeing bases all over the place. That might seem like an odd gripe given it's a multiplayer game, but it does make the world seem less barren.
Since there are other players around, the VATS system no longer slows down the world, which makes kills less satisfying. E quando se trata de construção de base, muitas das coisas super legais estão trancadas, muitas vezes exigindo que você moa para desbloqueá -lo (mais do que a coleta de recursos em Fallout 4 ), e o jogo não é curto em microtransações.
Wondering just what DLC Fallout 76 has received since its launch? Here's every free expansion and DLC Bethesda has added.
The Expeditions expansions add new locations to visit, including The Pitt (previously seen in Fallout 3 ) and Atlantic City. The latter isn't as massive as its name implies but it's still a new place to roam. O Nuclear Winter era um modo Battle Royale, mas foi removido em 2021. E a atualização do deserto, que chegou logo após o inverno nuclear, finalmente acrescentou NPCs ao deserto.
Por fim, vale a pena tocar Fallout 76 . And given that it's on both Game Pass and PlayStation Plus, you've nothing to lose by stepping into the Appalachian Wasteland.