Lista completa de camadas de defesa da torre artesanal [Atualização 2]
Autor: AnônimoData de Atualização: March 24, 2025
Craft Tower Defense has a very simple stat and upgrade system that makes it easy to calculate DPS and effectiveness of each unit. I'm going to show you the best units for each category as well as decent secondary options. Here's my Craft Tower Defense tier list .
All Craft Tower Defense Units Ranked
Meta Craft Tower Defense Units
Best Units for Normal/Hard in Craft Tower Defense
All Craft Tower Defense Units Ranked
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Em vez da classificação Standard S a D-Tier, optei por classificar unidades de defesa da torre artesanal com base em suas categorias como o melhor AoE, solteiro, iniciante e fazenda . I also provided some secondary options for those categories in case you're missing a specific unit. Lastly, the Replace category aren't necessarily bad units but there are better options above . I haven't tested every unit yet but I will in the coming weeks.
Meta Craft Tower Defense Units
Here are the highlights from all categories for the best units:
Best Single
White Eyed : Has insane single target DPS and some of the greatest numbers in the game for boss-killing, especially when Evolved and boosted.
Purple Dragon : This is probably the strongest single target DPS unit in the game but it's quite hard to get so I prefer White Eyed.
Knight Settler : Embora não seja o segundo melhor DPs de destino único, estou mencionando Knight Settler aqui porque você pode obtê-lo gratuitamente por meio de conquistas.
Best AOE
Keeper : You don't need secret units to get one of the best AOE DPS units in the game. Evolved Keeper melts waves.
Squid : Squid is another worthy mention in this category due to the sheer AOE DPS it puts out.
Best Starter
Diamond Steven & Magma Titan : This fill the same role as the best starters in the game. It's just that Steven is an AOE and Magma Titan is a single target DPS so it's up to your preference.
Lottie : Uma picareta para iniciantes que pode carregar níveis antecipados e é uma das melhores unidades iniciais do jogo devido aos números de baixo custo e altos números de colocação. Plus it's incredibly easy to get.
Best Farm
Settler : The best Farm unit in the game.
Best Units for Normal/Hard in Craft Tower Defense
Se você não possui as meta unidades de cima ou está apenas procurando se divertir e nos modos agrícolas que não exigem as melhores unidades, aqui estão algumas opções:
Good Single : Out of all the great alternatives for Single damage I like End Wilter the most due to its power to cost balance.
Good AOE : Wondering Settler is both an incredible unit and while it doesn't compete with some of the Meta options it's really easy to get.
Decent Starter : If you can't get Lotties or the other Meta starters, the Defender Inferno with proper placement is quite a decent AOE option.
That's it for my best Craft Tower Defense unit tier list. Check out our Craft Tower Defense codes for free goodies to get you started.