Pack-a-Punch is one of the most vital upgrades players can use in Call of Duty Zombies. In new Black Ops 6 map The Tomb, it can be a bit tricky to track down. Here's how to find the Pack-a-Punch machine on The Tomb in Black Ops 6 Zombies.
Unlike Terminus and Citadelle des Morts, all players need to do to Pack-a-Punch is get to the machine's location. However, this is easier said than done. At the beginning of every match of The Tomb, Black Ops 6 Zombies players will be faced with the objective to open the Doorway to Nowhere. This is a sort of teleporter, which gives players access to the Dark Aether nexus within The Tomb.
The Doorway to Nowhere is located within the Subterranean Temple area of The Tomb. This can be reached simply by progressing through the map and opening doors. Once in the Temple, head to the alter and place the Amulet item there by holding the interact button. You will always spawn in with the Amulet, so need to worry about finding the part. After a few seconds, the Door to Nowhere will open, and you can head into the Dark Aether Nexus.
The Pack-a-Punch machine can be found within the Dark Aether Nexus, located fairly close to the center of the area. However, it will move after some time. If you want to continue upgrading your weapon with the Pack-a-Punch machine, here's how and where to track it down.
There are X places where the Pack-a-Punch can spawn in The Tomb. The first place it is present will always be within the Dark Aether Nexus. The other is far closer to where players spawn in The Tomb. At the top of the Dig Site there is an ornate ruin called the Roman Mausoleum. The Pack-a-Punch machine can be found here when it is not within the Dark Aether Nexus.
To check which location the Pack-a-Punch machine is currently at, you can use your Tac-Map. The main area of The Tomb and the Dark Aether Nexus have separate Tac-Maps. Portanto, se você abrir seu TAC-MAP em um local e não ver o ícone da máquina Pack-A-soch no mapa, ele estará na outra área.
There is also another way to check the location. Semelhante à maneira como os jogadores rastrearão a localização da caixa misteriosa na tumba, há uma laje de pedra com áreas iluminadas que revela a localização da máquina Pack-a-Punch. If the icon is on the main map, simply head to the corresponding location. Se o símbolo de pacote de luzes de luz estiver em uma ilha separada do mapa principal nesta laje de pedra, isso significa que está atualmente localizado no nexo escuro do aether.