Blend multiple pictures from your camera or gallery!
Blend multiple pictures from your camera or gallery!
-make a "ghost" in your mirror!
-put 2 of your friends faces into one! or maybe 3 friends? or all of them? perhaps the result is what their children would look like?
-take multiple frames of one person walking slowly to make a motion blur stream of their path!
-take a picture of the same place every day for a week to see what things change and what doesn't!
No need to memorize instructions since it walks you through it, but here's what happens:
Step 1. Push "Blend" to take a base picture from the camera or gallery!
Step 2. Push "Blend" again to take another picture from the camera or gallery and combine it with the base!
(Select what percentage of the new picture you want to blend)
Step 2 and a half? Push "Blend" again? Hmmm how many pictures do I want to Blend?
Step 3. Push "Save" to save the blended image to external storage card.
Step 4. Push "Send" to send your blendification in an email or to another app.
Step 5. Push "New" to start again from scratch (black background).
***If you are having some problems running this app, try closing other programs or changing camera settings to use smaller resolution. If you still find you have problems, send us an email with the name of your device and we'll look into it.