Performace, advanced car diagnostic made easy!
Performance is an easy-to-use OBD-II diagnostic tool.
An intuitive user interface makes it easy to tap into your vehicle's On-Board Diagnostic system, effectively turning your mobile into a highly capable automotive scanner.
Check trouble codes and detect problems before they lead to costly repairs. Trouble codes are triggered by the onboard system when internal diagnostic checks fail. Monitoring trouble codes give you early indications of worn out or malfunctioning components, some of which can be easily replaced.
Monitor your car in real time for fun or for analysis. Practise lean driving and get instant feed back on your driving habits.
Layout your own dashboard combining the widgets/ gauges of your choice!
Performance supports the most current OBD-II standard and there are currently about one hundred data points available for monitoring, all in real time.
The actual number for a particular vehicle may vary as the standard is constantly evolving and more sensor data are made accessible by manufacturers.
Create multiple dashboards displaying different information or for different objectives. Flip through them to find the most interesting one for the moment.
All dashboards are saved under the vehicle profile allowing different sets for different cars.
Performance works with any vehicle complying with the OBD-II standard. Most vehicles manufactured after 2000 is compliant and for well known makes as far back as 1996.
If in doubt please check with your manufacturer or look for an OBD-II certificate in the engine bay, usually a white sticker near the fuse box. More information can be found on the web site.
The app needs a Bluetooth OBD-II adapter to gain access to the vehicle. The adapter is small and plugs into the OBD socket, usually located on the driver side of the car.
You find a growing list of tested adapters along with further information on the website.
Download and try it out!
A demo adapter is available to test the app in off-line mode. The demo adapter is a built-in emulator. It is not connected to any vehicle and does not require an external BlueTooth device. All functionality is available using the demo adapter. All values generated from the demo adapter are randomized or fabricated.
Performance is a must-have tool for everyone interested in getting to know their cars better. Whether you want to analyze data in real-time, monitor your vehicles health or cut down your service costs - this is the tool for you!
• Fixed slow start/ hang problem on some older devices
• Fixed broken meter popup menu
• Added help text for various screens