Pathfinder Character Tracker for the Adventure Card Game series.
Pathfinder Character Tracker is a companion app to work alongside the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game series. This app allows you to track your characters progress throughout the adventure and make it easier save multiple characters.
Supports the following Adventure Card Game Packs
- Rise of the Runelords (All Expansions)
- Skull and Shackles (All Expansions)
- Wrath of the Righteous (All Expansions)
Also has the following Class Decks
- Alchemist Class Decks
- Barbarian Class Decks
- Bard Class Decks
- Cleric Class Decks
- Druid Class Decks
- Fighter Class Decks
- Goblins Burn! Class Decks
- Goblins Fight! Class Decks
- Gunslinger Class Decks
- Inquisitor Class Decks
- Monk Class Decks
- Oracle Class Decks
- Paladin Class Decks
- Ranger Class Decks
- Rogue Class Decks
- Sorcerer Class Decks
- Witch Class Decks
- Wizard Class Decks
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