Attempt to make it to the Finnigan Brothers' Fun Park and back in one piece.
After a terrifying dream about your own untimely death, you attempt to make your way to the Finnigan Brothers' Fun Park and back in one piece in this all-new choose-your-own-adventure story from CoaguCo Industries. The web-based version of the game has been rebuilt for Android devices so you can repeatedly die on-the-go. Warning: this is a text-only game and you will die a lot...
If you have issues with your device, please e-mail us your device model and problem at [email protected].
Desktop version is also now up on Steam!
Additionally, the full change log can be found at
Changes in v1.0.8:
* The actual last of the updates ever!
* Various spelling and grammatical changes
* Slight engine modifications in the randomization department
* Added 11 new deaths!