OFabulis (Beta) Apk 2.9
Update Time:December 19, 2024
Discover the game OFabulis currently in bêta !
An online video game between Point & Click and MMORPG with French most famous monuments as setting (Abbaye du Mont-Saint-Michel, Panthéon, Château d’If, etc.):
- Create your avatar
- Explore some of the most beautiful French monuments
- Search for de Pierre Roux
- Solve puzzle to progress through a non linear fictional scenario
- Meet legendary character such as Mazarin, Mélusine, Voltaire, …
OFabulis is an independant and experimental game by Edwige Lelièvre, made as partnership between Université de Versailles-Quentin-en-Yvelines, the Centre des monuments nationaux and the company Emissive.