Next Chat is a simple and functional application for anonymous dating.
Represent updated Next Chat! We moved away all superfluous functions and left only those thanks to which the chat found the admirers worldwide!
Do you like chatting and looking for new friends around the world? Next Chat is a simple and functional application for anonymous dating. You can find a good friend, jolly crowd, a long-awaited love or just a pleasant conversation. Choose language and start chatting. There's nothing easier!
Free application that doesn’t require registration distinguishes full anonymity for every dating and for further chatting and convenient search. Two great ways to search new friends: random search and search using location services. When you choose the latter, the application finds people who are located nearby.
The application also has a contact list where you can add new friends but if the communication is boring you can just delete the contact.
Don’t limit the communication with new friends by text – share photos and pictures, send you current location and you conversation partner can see it on the map. What if this acquaintance grows into solid friendship or romantic relationship? It is worth trying.