Jehovah's Witnesses family ministry service time and notes manager.
Manage your family's ministry service for Jehovah's Witnesses.
If you have any questions or issues please contact me before posting a bad review. I will happily work with you to resolve the issue. Email is [email protected].
* Manage multiple publisher's service time, publications, return visits, and bible studies for each month.
* Add and edit notes for every service entry and householder.
* Manage householders, publications, and publishers.
* Manages any "rollover" time. The summary will display your time to the decimal. However those additional minutes add up from month to month. If your remaining minutes from the previous months add up to an hour then this hour will get added to the current month.
Supported Languages (please email [email protected] if you discover incorrect translations or wish to get your language added):
*** English
*** Spanish (Thanks Pau)
*** Hungarian (Thanks Ádám)
*** Italian (Thanks Luca)
*** Portuguese (Thanks Felipe)
*** Dutch (Thanks Levi)
*** Indonesian (Thanks Pahala)
*** French
*** Russian
Beta Google+ Group:
Thank you for being patient with updates and fixes. I'm a single developer with a newborn child to help take care of.
If you want to side load this app you can visit the website on the phone or tablet you want to install this on:
The app also has a built in link to check for updates in the Preferences section. It is user initiated, not automatic.
If you wish to donate anything you can here: