Stable and rich GRIB2 viewer constantly updated with new, awesome features.
mobileGRIB light is a fully functional version with outdated GRIB files. To receive actual GRIB forecasts, please purchase the full version.
Full version description:
mobileGRIB is a GRIB2 viewer for Android. It enables sailors and meteorologists to have detailed weather information always available. This is done by downloading GRIB files of any region of interest. Source for the Gridded Binaries is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Forecast times and variables can be chosen from pressure, wind arrows, temperature, cloud cover, humidity and precipitation for the upcoming 8 days between a resolution of 1° x 1° or, for even more detail, 0.5° x 0.5°. By selecting only what the user needs, this procedure will keep the size of the downloaded GRIB file low, making it especially convenient for low bandwidth regions covered only by Edge or GPRS networks, or simply regions with low cellular coverage.
Downloaded map tiles will be cached for offline use. This is why we highly recommend our users to browse through the desired area and zoom level before going offline, in order to always have the map tiles cached for offshore use.
After some downtime according to NOAA related problems, we managed to get things back to work. GRIB data is up to date again and development has started some months ago with the goal to release version 2.0 as a major release regarding rendering speed, overall performance and stability. The launch for the next release is planned between mid and end of May 2016. Stay tuned and see our upcoming features below.
Upcoming release features for version 2.0 (about 15.05 - 31.05 2016):
* Vector map. No need to download / cache map tiles any more.
* Full OpenGL 2.0 rendering of map tiles and grib data. Massive rendering speed improvement.
* Weather Animation
* Separated tile / grib data rendering logic
* Fixed ranges for grib parameters
Known fixed issues in next release:
* Download problems on a few specific areas (latitude / longitude bug)
* GRIB information is displayed in a readable and userfriendly way
* Software key support for devices lacking hardware keys
Further milestones (till end of 2016):
* 0.25° x 0.25° GRIB2 data download
* Combined numerical data
* 16 days forecast
* Waves
* L and H signs for pressure
* Isotherms
* Windmap
* and much, much more to be added..stay tuned!