Find bus times for MiWay
This app helps you find bus schedules for MiWay Transit buses, in the city of Mississauga.
Offline bus schedules coming soon!
- Grabs data directly from the MiWay mobile website and shows the next passing bus times
- You can save your favourite routes, so the times are only a tap away
- Easier to use than MiWay Mobile (
- Now you can view the full bus schedules
This app is just starting out, there will be more features published throughout the next few weeks, so keep auto updates turned on.
Please review and rate to show your appreciation, and to let us know about the most wanted features.
**Upcoming Features**
- Ability to remove ads
- Saving full bus schedules for offline use
- Showing next passing bus times on the favourite screen itself
- Alerts for that morning bus you always miss.
- New and updated UI
Preview of the upcoming version:
This app is your best companion when riding Mississauga Transit.
Send us an email at [email protected] for feature requests and comments.
- Now the app will retry when internet connection fails
- Crashes fixed for Blackberry users with custom ROMs (Pls email if still having crashes [email protected])