The number 1 solution in electronic administration registration.
With the Medication Control App, healthcare professionals are assured of the correct medication information. In the app you can digitally sign off medication, whereby the integrated proficiency check makes it clear who may perform a double check of risky medication. This double check can be presented directly online to a colleague or to a care center that is available 24/7. A combination of these is even possible. The proof of the double check is provided and stored online according to IGJ requirements. Via a secure link with the pharmacy information system of the dispensing pharmacies, you always have the client's most up-to-date medication overview at hand.
Connects the chain
The Medication Control App with electronic administration registration is linked to Curo Pharmacy for pharmacists, Curo General Practitioner for general practitioners and our application for patients and informal carers.
Connects the chain
The app is available on iOS, Android and Web and can be used on all devices - phone, tablet, laptop and PC. These work seamlessly together. This allows you to widely use the Medication Control App with electronic administration registration organization, both extramurally and intramurally.
Thanks to the links below, the healthcare institution gets more freedom, lower management costs and users experience extra convenience.
- SSO link (Boomerweb supports the following protocols: ADFS, Open ID connect and Azure AD)
- API link (for automated management of employee information as part of the IAM structure)
- ECD link (for automated management of client and claim data)
What does the Medication Control App do for you?
Improved medication safety. Administration lists are always current and available everywhere.
Complete and up-to-date administration records.
Double check of risky medication according to IGJ requirements.
Delivering repeat orders digitally at the pharmacy via Medication Control App.
Notification of elapsed medication moment without administration.
Digitally insightful package leaflets.
Better cooperation with the pharmacy
Feedback medication safety in management environment.
More information? Visit or contact us at 088-1302121 or [email protected]