A no-nonsense rhythm game with an original electronic soundtrack from Modbom.
Lumena is an impossible rhythm game with an original electronic soundtrack from Modbom.
"It's unabashedly hard. Like get game over every few nanoseconds hard. But it feels pretty damn good when you do well." - PocketGamer
"5 Stars. It’s an addictive, quick, frustrating, catchy, hypnotic, evil rhythm game." - Cult of Mac
"It's simple and simply sadistic. Lumena is a good addition to the family of simple but brutally hard games that includes things like Super Hexagon" - IndieGames.com
"Lumena is easy to learn and enjoy and it is wake-up-the-neighbors difficult." - Pxlbyte.com
Playing Lumena is EASY. Fling the colored disc toward a matching colored light.
Succeeding at Lumena is... NOT EASY. You’ve been warned.
Best Parts:
- Minimal
- Twitch gameplay
- Challenges reflexes & concentration
- Amazing original electronic music
- Leaderboards & Achievements
Unlocked Density for all players
Added permission for in-app purchase. Next update you'll be able to turn off ads!