App Life in Almaty this reference restaurants, events, promotions and discounts.
Appendix Life in Almaty is a directory of entertainment the city of Almaty, as well as fun activities, promotions and discounts.
Appendix Life in Almaty will allow users to quickly find the right institution. Determine its location on the map, get directions, make a direct call to find out the work, to share information on social networks, go to the website of the desired places and much more.
In our application, you will receive information about:
- Restaurants,
- Bars,
- Nightclubs,
- Coffee,
- Pizzeria,
- Karaoke clubs,
- Interesting places,
- Events taking place in our city, such as exhibitions, marathons, holidays, etc.
- About discounts, promotions and sales.
Also you can anywhere be noted locate your car to easily find it in the parking lot.
The app is constantly updated with new information.