LME Podcast it's week's English podcasts narrated by native English coach Shane.
The Let's Master English Podcast is for ESL (English as a Second Language) learners! This podcast has many features--news, Q&A, English learning advice and other fun sections. You can join the Let's Master English community on Google+ and see the full transcripts as in this app. Transcripts are made by you, the listeners! I hope you enjoy my podcasts.
The first part will be news. I’ll give you a headline or an interesting story, something that’s not too
serious, and you’re going to learn some vocabulary, some pronunciation. And hopefully, it
improves your listening skills;
The next section will be Q & A – questions and answers. In this section, I’ll take your questions and
I’ve already have a lot of them. And I do my best to answer them;
And the final section will be English tips, advice on how you can study English, according to the
title of the Podcast, I’ll guess that your goal is to master English.
And that’s the Podcast number one for Let’s Master English. Once again, my name is Coach
Shane. . I hope you enjoy the Podcast. I’m very curious as to whether you like it, how were your
criticisms, your comments, and I’d also like to tell you there will be a transcript. Everything I said
you can read it. And I will put this on my website and in this app.
Thank you for listening! I really hope to hear your feedback! I’ll be back again next week and Let’s Master English!
Coach Shane