Indonesia Regional Children learning songs with interesting methods.
Indonesian National Children's Songs is an educational application that contains Indonesian folk songs, with this advanced era, Indonesian folk songs have begun to be forgotten.
With this educational application it can help our children in learning Indonesian regional and national songs, in this application not only songs but also song lyrics, animations and interesting backgrounds, as for the songs, among others:
My flag will fly
Mamiri Wind Song Region
Cingcang Keling Regional Song
Teacher's Hymn Song
Our Mother Kartini Song
Indonesian Heritage Songs
Indonesia Raya song
Regional songs of the benchmark
Apuse Folk Songs
The Jali-Jali Regional Song
Yamko Rambe Yamko folk songs
Open Doors Song
Song 17 August
Wake Up Youth Song
Manuk Dadali folk song
Regional Songs Rek Ayo Rek
Sansaro Folk Songs
Suwe Ora Jamu Regional Song
The song of my homeland
My Thank You Song
Tokecang folk songs
Cublek Suwung Regional Song
Goat Children's Song
Regional Song Ampar-Ampar Pisang
Regional Song Cut Duck
Old Brother Bird Song
Soleram Folk Songs etc.
Lots of folk songs, this educational application is 100% free and can be used offline. hopefully useful for children
Greetings, Edudev Kids