Classic Piano Lessons 다운로드하고 장치를 실제 악기로 전환하십시오.
피아노 (및 다른 악기)를 배우고 연주하고 싶지만 주변에 피아노가 없습니까?
Download Classic Piano Lessons and turn your device into real musical instrument ie classic piano, classic and jazz guitar, flute, violin, bass.
Now you can run your fingers over the piano keyboard, play live music and feel like a real musician! It's easy to make you dream come true! :)
On this Piano application you can practice music of many classical geniuses and artists.
You can play your favorite songs and melodies written by Bach, Chopin, Mozart, Beethoven. 바그너, 베르디, 비 발디, 슈베르트.
연주 방법 :
먼저 Play Mode를 선택합니다 - 경험이 풍부한 음악 플레이어를위한 초보자 또는 플레이 모드를위한 플레이 모드를 배우십시오.
Then run your fingers over a piano keys and let the music come-out from you mobile device!
In beginners mode you will see a highlighted piano tiles which help you learn to play your chosen songs.
In Play mode you play music yourself without help. Every time you can record your songs!
So learn to play, practice songs and make music!
가장 인기있는 베토벤의 노래 "For Elise"중 하나와 클래식 뮤지션 Chopin, Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Vivaldi, Verdi, Wagner가 쓴 다른 노래를 연주하는 방법을 알아보십시오.
Check our play schedule function and now you won't forget about piano lessons!
This piano application is the best way to play music even if you don't have musical instruments around you.
따라서 피아노 클래식 앱을 다운로드하고 Bach, Chopin, Mozart, Beethoven 및 기타 뮤지컬 마 에스트로가 작곡 한 다양한 노래를 연주하고 배우는 동안 재미있게 보내십시오.
-good quality sound of piano
-simple musical keyboard
-great music game
-multi-touch control
-controls to customize width of piano
-touch pressure detecting
-2 modes of playing : Learn how to play piano or Play mode
-4 music categories
-play popular music composed by classical music maestros like Chopin, Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Vivaldi, Verdi, Wagner and many more!
-a lot of songs built in Piano Classic app to play popular artist and bands
-레코드 기능
-조정 가능한 피아노 키보드 너비