Marvel Rivals features more than 30 heroes, and while most are iconic characters from the Marvel Universe, some have pretty annoying abilities. 치즈 한 원 트릭 콤보이든 그들이 다루는 터무니없는 양의 피해이든, 이것들은 가장 성가신 놀라운 경쟁 영웅들 중 일부입니다.
Mr. Fantastic is a tank disguised as a duelist. He has so much survivability that he is usually super hard to kill. Even if you manage to get his health down, he will use his Reflexive Rubber form and eat up all your attacks, and even ults. It also buys him a lot of time to get healed by the support.
You also can't disengage cause he can easily latch on to you with his “E” ability. So, if you are playing a character with no mobility, there is no running away from him. Finally, if you are unlucky and he goes into his tank form, he becomes even more of a nuisance. In short, his high survivability just makes him annoying to deal with.
Iron Fist has quickly become one of the most broken heroes out there. His right-click ability will disseminate your health bar. You can't even run away as his passive allows him to latch on to enemies within his range. Even Iron Man can't fly away if Iron Fist is chasing him.
Lastly, his right-click block ability is super annoying. It can even eat up ultimates. A good Iron Fist knows to time it right, and he can easily take away a lot of your damage. If Iron Fist is paired with a good healer, he becomes an annoying Marvel Rivals hero.
Being the wife of Mr.Fantastic, Susan Storm is also quite hard to pin down. The moment you try to target her, she goes invisible and escapes. Her healing output isn't that great, but she can stay alive and keep pumping heals into his teammates.
Invisible Woman can also put indestructible shields in front of her teammates, protecting them from attacks and ultimate. Pair this ability with something like The Punisher's turret, and it can bring a lot of trouble to your team.
Loki has the same problem as Susan Storm, and he is super hard to kill. A good Loki player will just keep switching between his decoys.
장난의 신은 대부분의 다이빙 듀얼리스트를 쉽게 피할 수 있으며, 그의 미끼가 전장에 세워지면 그가 생산할 수있는 치유의 출력은 믿을 수 없다. Not to mention, his “Regeneration Domain” ability makes any player standing in its radius almost unkillable. However, credit where credit is due, he is one of the best strategists in the game.
While we all adore the cute and whimsical Jeff, he can be a menace to play against. The main cause is his ult – when you hear that “Num Num Num!,” you know he is going to eat you up and throw you right outside the map.
Jeff can use this ultimate in overtime to get the entire enemy team off the objective and win. Lastly, when you try to kill him, he will just dive underground and quickly swim away.
관련 : Marvel 라이벌을위한 최고의 설정 : 프레임 부스트 및 입력 지연 감소
Spider-Man isn't as annoying to deal with in the lower Marvel Rivals Elo as he is a really difficult hero to play. However, when you are matched up against a good Spider-Man player, he can be a menace on the battlefield. If you are low on health he will dive in, get you, and get out before you can even think twice.
Once he attaches you with a Spider-Tracer, he will zip to you, land an uppercut, and send you right back to the spawn. Your teammates won't be able to avenge you as he will swing away from danger. His extreme mobility is very hard to deal with.
Doctor Strange is an S-tier tank in Marvel Rival ’s meta. That's the reason why he is quite annoying to play against. 그의 방패는 강력합니다. 너무 많은 손상을 막고 Ultimate를 막을 수 있기 때문에, 당신이 그것을 쓰러 뜨릴 수 있더라도, 그는 3 초 후에 다시 올릴 수 있습니다.
Strange 's Shield는 또한 그를 낮추 자마자 방패를 터뜨릴 것이기 때문에 죽이기가 매우 어렵습니다. His portal ability is also a huge problem as it can be the game-changing trump card. He can take his entire team and flank you before you'll even notice.
특히 Lower Elo에서는 정말 좋은 Hawkeye 플레이어를 보지 못하지만, 만날 때 가장 실망스러운 게임 중 하나 일 수 있습니다.
Hawkeye can one-shot so many squishy characters, and it's hard to get close to him, too. He'll just sit at the backlines shooting arrow after arrow getting kills or getting your teammates low. If you play a squishy character like Spider-Man or Mantis, you can get a one-shot by Hawkeye very easily.
The only thing that makes Scarlet Witch annoying in Marvel Rivals is her auto-aim primary fire. She can just lock on to you and drain your health. She also has a get-out-of-jail-free card with her vanish ability. If you play a character that uses his mobility to survive, Scarlet Witch can be a tough match.
Scarlet Witch 's Ultimate는 그 자체로 강하지 않지만 Luna Snow, Doctor Strange 또는 Groot와 같은 다른 영웅 ULT와 결합하면 팀에게 치명적일 수 있습니다.
Groot's wall is the most frustrating thing in the game. He can keep stopping ults, isolate enemies, and just be an annoying tank to deal with. Plus, he has the highest damaging primary attack out of all tanks, and it has a good range.
While having Groot on the enemy side is frustrating, it is even more of a hindrance if you get a bad Groot on your team. In the worst-case scenario, he will start placing random walls that will just give the enemy space to heal and group up.
And those are the 10 most annoying Marvel Rivals heroes.
PS5, PC 및 Xbox Series X | S에서 Marvel Rivalsis가 현재 제공됩니다.