Praying in BitLife is often an overlooked way to make your current life a little easier. However, you'll find it required at times if you want to complete a challenge that lists it as a task. Here's how to pray in BitLife .
If you play BitLife regularly, you've likely seen the Pray option come up in the bottom right of your main screen above your stats. This is the easiest way to pray, but it's not the only way. You can actually pray whenever you want by going into Activities and scrolling until you find Pray. You can pray for:
Once you pick a topic for your prayer, you need to watch an ad for it to be answered. Depending on which topic you picked, the result changes. Fertility will result in a pregnancy, while the general option is more random and gives you anything from money to a new friend. Health might be the most useful, however, since you can cure diseases when you pray for it, which is useful in challenges like Disco Inferno.
Instead of watching an ad, you also have the choice to curse the BitLife devs instead of praying to them. This option gives you a negative effect, such as losing a friend or contracting a disease. However, that isn't always the case, and I've gotten money before from cursing the devs in-game.
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Praying is a way to receive a small boost that you might need to survive or work toward a challenge. If you have a disease that doctors aren't curing, then praying becomes a good option to try getting rid of it. 다산 옵션은 아이를 낳는 데 어려움을 겪지 만 임신에 어려움을 겪고 의학적 개입에 대한 돈이없는 도전을하는 경우에도 유용합니다. It tends to be less useful when you pick the wealth or general options, since the reward tends to be small, such as a couple hundred dollars.
Aside from its practical uses, praying can usually be helpful when BitLife has a scavenger hunt going on, which tends to be around holidays. It's common to find scavenger hunt items through praying at least once, so it's great to know how to pray if you want to participate.
That covers how to pray in BitLife . Now, you're prepared to be a devout Bitizen, even if that's only for the sake of rewards. But if you're bored in-game, try cursing the devs instead to see what random outcome you'll get.
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