Cursed Techniques in Jujutsu Odyssey are incredibly powerful abilities that can drastically change how you approach combat. These techniques grant players unique skills that boost their strength and offer strategic advantages tailored to different playstyles. Mastering a Cursed Technique can improve your gameplay, giving you the edge you need to dominate in battle.
층 | 저주받은 기술 |
에스 | Shrine (Sukuna Vessel), Limitless, Disaster Flame |
에이 | 부기 우지 |
비 | 저주받은 연설 |
기음 | Soul Guitar, Cloning |
Shrine and Limitless are the best abilities in Jujutsu Odyssey, without question. Their sheer power and utility rank them above everything else, even outside of their niche. Disaster Flame ranks highly as well, simply for its destructive and raw power.
If you are unable to get your hands on these, then Boogie Woogie and Cursed Speech are really good starting abilities, too. Below is a detailed overview of all abilities:
저주받은 기술 | 능력 |
Shrine (Sukuna Vessel) | • Dismantle – Unleash devastating slashes on your enemy • Reaper's Retreat – swiftly dash back, unleashing a forward-moving slash that slices through anything in its path • Demon's Wrath – seize your victim, slam them down, and hurl them away with brutal force • Cleave – jump and deliver a power wide-reaching slash that slices through multiple targets • Crimson Web – touch the ground to mark a web of slashes that ensnares anyone caught within its grasp • Ascendant Slash 1 – Rush in to send your opponents flying upward • Abyssal Firebolt – Conjures a fiery arrow imbued with cursed energy, launching it to incinerate your target with intense flames • AWAKENING: Enchain – Gain a massive increase in power, granting a 2-% boost in damage reduction and a 40% boost in cursed energy. Your basic attacks in this state now become traveling slashes • 도메인 확장 : Malevolent Shrine - 넓은 지역에서 정확하고 파괴적인 슬래시를 보장하는 장벽이없는 영역을 제공하여 도달 할 수있는 적들에게 탈출하지 않도록합니다. |
무한 | • 랩스 블루 -자기와 같은 매력의 힘을 만들어 내고 파괴의 중심점을 향해 대상과 대상을 격렬하게 당깁니다. • Infinity – produce an impenetrable barrier by halting anything approaching the user at an infinite distance, rendering you UNTOUCHABLE • 최대 출력 : 파란색 - 블루의 당기기 힘을 증폭시키는 저주받은 에너지의 집중된 서지로, 초점에서 거대한 파괴적인 파열을 만듭니다. • Reversal Red - 파란색의 특성을 반전시켜 격퇴 힘을 생성하여 모든 것을 격렬하게 밀어내는 강력한 충격파를 방출합니다. • 최대 출력 : 빨간색 - 반전의 강화 된 버전 : 빨간색, 압도적 인 힘으로 모든 것을 경로로 제거 할 수있는 막대한 격퇴 충격파를 릴리스합니다. • I Understand It Now – teleport behind your target in an instant and unleash a devastating Reversal Red • 가상 기술 : 보라색 - 파란색과 빨간색의 융합, 매력과 반발을 순수한 파괴적인 에너지로 결합하여 궤적의 모든 것을 지우는 막대한 발사체를 만듭니다. • 중공 보라색 - 푸른 융합의 융합은 푸른 에너지 구체를 형성하는 파란색과 빨간색의 파괴적인 융합이 타의 추종을 불허하는 파괴적인 힘으로 경로의 모든 것을 전멸시킵니다. • 도메인 확장 : 무제한 무효 - 무한한 지식과 자극으로 대상을 압도하는 무한한 공간을 만들어 움직이지 않고 무방비 상태로 만듭니다. |
Disaster Flame | • Volcanic Eruption – Erupt a volcano to blast enemies upwards • Hellfire Beam – Unleashes a concentrated beam of molten fire • Molten Rainfall – Leap and blast flames downward, creating a molten lave pool that incinerates everything below • Infernal Grasp – Summon a massive hand of fire from the ground that claps together, triggering a powerful explosion • Blazing Skull Eruption – Engulfs the Victim's head in flames before blasting them from behind with a fiery explosion • 도메인 확장 : 아이언 마운틴의 관 -녹은 화산 환경에 전장을 eng니다. • Hellfire Incarnate – [Awakening] – become engulfed in flames, and any enemy that strikes you suffers intense burn damage. You also receive a 65 boost in cursed energy |
저주받은 기술 | 능력 |
부기 우지 | • Clap – Instantly swap positions with any ally or enemy within range • Upgrade – Clap II – Increase the range of your Boogie Woogie • Teleporting Stone Strike – hurl a rock at your enemy, and upon impact, instantly teleport to them, delivering a powerful dropkick • Boogie Mark – Mark ally or enemy with your technique,e switching with them whenever you clap and are within range • Upgrade – Boogie Mark II – Mark 2 people at once; when you clap, they will switch positions if within range of each other • Deceptive Suplex – feint a Clap, and if struck during the cla,p you teleport to the attacker and slam them with immense force • Echoing echoing inlaught - Boogie Woogie를 사용하여 순간 이동하여 모든 각도에서 멈출 수없고 파괴적인 타격을 전달합니다. • 정신 분열증 과부하 - [각성] - 타카 다를 소환하여 사기와 싸움 정신을 높이고 저주받은 에너지를 45% 향상시키고 부기 Woogie의 범위를 늘립니다. |
저주받은 기술 | 능력 |
저주받은 연설 | • Don't Move – Freeze your enemy in place • Get Crushed – Crush your victim with the force of your cursed speech • Cough Syrup – Protects you from taking damage from any Cursed Speech skill for the next 3 uses • Explode – Make your enemy explode in flames, damaging them and those around them • Blast Away – Send your opponent's flying as blast them away • Passive – Resistance – You no longer take damage from using cursed speech skills |
저주받은 기술 | 능력 |
Soul Guitar | • Resonant Shred – unleashes a powerful guitar strum that sends a shockwave of cursed energy, damaging and staggering enemies within range • Power Riff – channels cursed energy through intense guitar riffs, building up energy for a devastating Resonant Shred release |
Cloning | • Technique: Clone – create an exact clone of yourself that follows you and fights whatever enemies approach them. clones stay longer based on your mastery. • Passive – Clone II – Have two clones active at the same time • Blaze of Glory – All active clones will immediately focus their cursed energy to self-destruct |
저주받은 기술 에 대해 더 많이 배우고 싶다면 Jujutsu Odyssey Trello와 Discord 기사를 방문하여 가장 관련성있는 허브에 합류하십시오.
That is all for our Jujutsu Odyssey Cursed Techniques Tier List. If you want to become stronger fast, get more rerolls, and more, check out our Jujutsu Odyssey Codes article for freebies.