Knit fingers Simulator 2 Apk 1.6
Update Time:December 21, 2024
Simulator fingers knitting 2. Knit scarf
Knit fingers Simulator 2 - sequel to the game "Gran knit simulator" in which you are knitting a scarf! Show me how fast your fingers are!
- Knit fingers longest scarf! - Knit scarf at any convenient time - at recess at school, on the way home, in traffic, in turn, anywhere! Virtual yarn is always with you!
- Knit scarf as soon as possible! - Set a record speed of knitting! Sprint dash
The more hardy and fast your fingers are, the longer and faster you get the scarf! I use yarn of different colors to get a striped scarf!
Tell your friend what you have turned the scarf - out with their results in the social networks!
Remember - more you knit, than more powerful your fingers!