Phasmophobiaの幽霊を識別することになると、悪名高い呪われたオブジェクトを含む、自由に使えるすべてのツールを常に利用したいと考えています。 They each come with a nefarious catch, however, so here is how all the Cursed Objects work in the game.
呪われたオブジェクト(技術的には「呪われた所有物」と呼ばれる)は、プレイする各マップでランダムに生成されるファスモフォビアのユニークなアイテムです(ゲームモードおよび/または設定に応じて)。 To use them, you must find where they spawn and then “activate” them while on the premises.
ゴーストのお気に入りの部屋/エリアをすぐに見つけたり、パーティーをバフしたりするなど、呪われたオブジェクトの能力を使用する場合、他の方法であなたをハンディキャップするトレードオフが常にあります。 You can lose large portions of sanity quickly, become temporarily blinded, or get caught off-guard by a surprise “cursed” hunt encounter.
So, it's generally advised to use Cursed Objects very wisely, and in some situations, they can be better left alone. Be advised that Cursed Objects will not spawn at certain difficulty levels and in Challenge Mode.
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There are seven different Cursed Objects currently found in Phasmophobia and they each have their own abilities and debilitating side effects.
One universal side effect that they all share in some way is a significant reduction in the user's sanity.グループでプレイしている場合、通常、「呪われた狩り」がすぐに発生する可能性が高いため、呪われたオブジェクトを使用するプレーヤーに近接しないことが通常最善です。
Below is a list of all Cursed Objects in Phasmophobia and how each works. If more Cursed Objects are added to the game in future patches, this list will be updated promptly.
Cursed Object | 能力 |
Tarot Cards | 10 randomly generated cards that each grant a certain buff, debuff, or elicit more ghost activity. **Certain cards such as “Death” can trigger a Cursed Hunt. |
Ouija Board | プレーヤーは、適切な質問をすることで幽霊と直接通信できるようにします(例:「どこにいるの?」、「骨はどこですか?」、「私の正気は何ですか?」)。 **Specific Ouija Board Questions such as “Hide and Seek” can trigger a Cursed Hunt. **If the Ouija Board shatters after use, a Cursed Hunt will start. |
Haunted Mirror | Allows the player to see the ghost's current favorite room/area by looking into the mirror. **If the player looks at the mirror until it shatters a Cursed Hunt will start. |
Music Box | Reveals the ghost's current location by forcing it to appear in a special event when the music box is played. **If the player uses the Music Box too long a Cursed Hunt will start. |
Summoning Circle | Allows the player to summon and trap the ghost inside the circle by lighting the candles around it. **Doing this will always trigger a Cursed Hunt afterward unless a Tier 3 Crucifix is placed on the circle. |
Voodoo Doll | Allows the player to force ghost interactions by pressing each of the 10 pins inside the doll. **If the pin inside the doll's heart is pushed in, a Cursed Hunt will start. |
Monkey Paw | Allows the player to ask for a certain amount of wishes (depending on difficulty) that can influence the ghost and/or the environment. **Certain Monkey Paw Wishes can severely impair or trap the player for extended periods so choose wisely. |
Remember that the availability of Cursed Objects always depends on your chosen game mode or difficulty settings.
The Haunted Mirror is, by far, the safest Cursed Object to use in Phasmophobia and arguably yields the most benefit with the least risk.
Otherwise, if you're playing on a bigger map and are having a difficult time finding the ghost on your own, this can help solve that issue.
As the first Cursed Object ever added to Phasmophobia, the Ouija Board remains one of the most reliable ones to use. Like the Haunted Mirror, it can help reveal the ghost's exact location by asking it directly.
それは恐ろしい選択のように思えるかもしれませんが、特にあなたが幽霊に証拠のために相互作用を実行するのに苦労している場合、ブードゥー教徒の人形も非常に便利です。 Each pin you push in grants an interaction with debris objects or equipment such as the EMF Reader or Ultraviolent prints.
However, be careful not to push the pin into the doll's heart as that will trigger a Cursed Hunt.
That concludes how all Cursed Objects work in Phasmophobia . Make sure to search site for the latest guides and news on the game, including the Phasmophobia 2025 Roadmap & Preview.
Phasmophobia is available now on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.