The Staff of Ice is a bit of an oddity among Call of Duty Wonder Weapons. While its base version is rather weak, its upgraded variant is a must-have for high rounds and main quest Easter egg runs. Here's how to upgrade the Staff of Ice in Black Ops 6 Zombies.
There are only two major prerequisites before you can upgrade the Staff of Ice on The Tomb in Black Ops 6 Zombies. The first is to obtain the Ice Staff itself. This Wonder Weapon can be acquired from the Mystery Box, or you can build the Staff of Ice by acquiring its three parts.
Many of the steps to upgrade the Staff of Ice revolve around and are housed within the Dark Aether Nexus. To progress the upgrade quest, make sure to open the Door to Nowhere and gain access to the Dark Aether as soon as possible.
The first step of the Ice Staff's upgrade request revolves around the crystals within the Dark Aether lanterns. These lanterns can be found in the underground areas of The Tomb, with a black frame and glowing purple fire.
You'll need to use the Staff of Ice to freeze three Dark Aether Crystals in rapid succession.このステップでの幸運を祈るために、これらの特典の両方が動きの速度を大幅に改善するため、Tribologist Minor Augmentを備えたスタミンアップおよび/または博士号フロッパーがあることを確認してください。
The route you take for this step is extremely important, as is manipulating the Dark Aether lantern spawns themselves. As such, you may find it worthwhile to wait a few rounds to rotate the locations and get them as close together as possible. The fastest route to take is to start in the tomb area of the map and shoot the crystal there. Then, do the same at the Shrine of the Hierophants, then the lantern at the entrance to the Subterranean Temple. Make sure that one of the Dark Aether lanterns pictured above is active, as the other location near Quick Revive is too far to get to in time. Once you've completed this step successfully, you'll get a quote from Archibald. Then, head into the Dark Aether Nexus.
Once you've completed the first step, look for three specific floating rocks in the sky of the Dark Aether Nexus. Each of these will have a glowing purple Rune on them with a specific symbol. These can change every game, so make note of the symbol on each floating rock.
Once you find one of the floating rocks with a glowing Rune, shoot the Rune with your Staff of Ice. This can be tricky to aim accurately, but you should get a hitmarker when done successfully. Doing this will make the respective rock float downward, which makes it far easier to spot the Rune on it. It may also be worth considering having a sniper rifle or any weapon with a medium-high zoom scope so you can spot the symbols more easily.
These rocks can be shot in any order, so as long as you eventually shoot all three with the Staff of Ice.
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Black Ops 6ゾンビでIceのスタッフをアップグレードする2番目のステップを正常に完了したら、メインマップに戻るポータルの1つが石の壁に置き換えるまで、暗いエーテルネクサスを走り回ります。 Head back to the corresponding area within the map. There, you'll see a wall with several glowing Runic icons. Three of these Runes will match the symbols you noted earlier on the floating rocks within the Dark Aether Nexus. Shoot the three symbols you spotted earlier with the Ice Staff. This will open and re-open the portal.
It's important to note that the portal will open regardless of whether the three symbols you shoot are the correct ones or not.ただし、氷のスタッフと一緒に正しいシンボルを撮影しない場合は、間違った場所にスポーンし、暗いエーテルネクサス内の空中から落とされます。 If you fail this step several times, you may need to wait until the next round or so before you see the stone wall back in your game.
氷のスタッフと一緒に撃った3つのシンボルが正しいものである場合、暗いエーテルネクサスに向かうと、空中に浮かぶ岩の上にいることに気付くでしょう。 A purple orb will be in front of you. Hold to interact with it.
Once you've interacted with the Orb, it will start moving. Follow the Orb, and get kills near it. You'll notice a purple trail flowing from the killed zombies into the Orb.これが動きを動かすものですので、積極的にプレイし、オーブの近くで多くのゾンビキルを獲得して、それを正しい方向に動かし続けてください。 Eventually, the Orb will settle at the structure within the center of the Dark Aether Nexus. The Orb will settle within the structure, making the appearance of a small purple portal. Hold to interact with it, and your Staff of Ice will be upgraded to the Ull's Arrow.
The Ull's Arrow upgraded Staff of Ice has similar abilities to the one in the classic Origins map. Like the old version of the Wonder Weapon from Black Ops 2 and 3 , Ull's Arrow has a powerful charge attack that does high AoE damage. It also gains an alternate fire type, which is capable of reviving other downed players.
And that's how to upgrade the Staff of Ice in Black Ops 6 Zombies.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6isavailable now on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC