あなたがミニオン愛好家なら、 FFXIV DawnTrailが拡大し続ける小さな収集品のコレクションにいくつかの新しい追加を導入したことを知ってうれしいです。 Here is how you can get all minions introduced in the expansion so far.
As of Patch 7.16, there are 33 new minions that have been added with the launch of the Dawntrail expansion. More are slated to be added as new patches arrive, so the list will continue to be updated as that occurs.
The following table contains all of the currently available minions and how you can go about acquiring them for your collection.それらのいくつかはマーケットボードから直接購入できますが、他のものはクエスト完了、ダンジョン、襲撃、または限られた季節のイベントを通じて取得されます。
ミニオン | 取得する方法 | Market Available? |
Air-wheeler M9 | Random drop from Vanguard dungeon. | はい |
Alpaca Cria | Bought from Tepli at Urqopacha (X:27.5, Y:11.7) for 700 Bicolor Gemstones (Urqopacha Shared FATE Rank 4 required). | いいえ |
Ambrose The Unfinished | Random drop from Origenics dungeon. | はい |
Black Kitten | Obtained from AAC Light-heavyweight M4 | いいえ |
Bluecoat Cat | Bought from Ryubool Ja at Tuliyollal (X:13.9, Y:13.5) for 800 Sacks of Nuts. | いいえ |
Brushed-up Krile | Obtained from The Rising (2024) event. | いいえ |
Ilyikty'i | Bought from Rral Wuruq at Yak T'el (X:13.8, Y:12.7) for 700 Bicolor Gemstones (Yak T'el Shared FATE Rank 4 required). | いいえ |
Honeysuckler | Random drop from Cenote Ja Ja Gural treasure dungeon. | はい |
Mischief Maker | The Strayborough Deadwalk | はい |
Not-so-bighorn | Obtained from retainer Woodland Exploration XXXI | はい |
Petit Punutiy | Random drop from Ihuykatumu dungeon. | はい |
Quetzal | Obtained from retainer Waterside Exploration XXXI | はい |
Rororrlo Teh | Random drop from Worqor Zormor dungeon. | はい |
Speaking Stone | Random drop from The Skydeep Cenote dungeon. | はい |
Squeak The Coyote | Obtained at Series Malmstones Level 15 of the PvP Series 6. | いいえ |
Tankardtender | Random drop from Tender Valley dungeon. | はい |
Tin Sentry T1 | Random drop from Alexandria dungeon. | いいえ |
The Cornservant | Complete the “Tasteful Memories” side quest. | はい |
Wind-up Garnet | Obtained with the Dawntrail Collector's Edition | いいえ |
Wind-up Zero | Provided via item code with purchase of Dawntrail Original Soundtrack | いいえ |
Wind-up Mamool Ja | Obtained from retainer Highland Exploration XXXI | はい |
Nano Lord | Coffer drop after final boss in Jeuno: The First Walk (raid) | いいえ |
Shshuye | Coffer drop after final boss in Yuweyawata Field Station (dungeon) | はい |
Spinettesaurus | Obtained via Subaquatic Voyages – The Central Blue | はい |
Toco Toquito | Obtained via Subaquatic Voyages – North Delphinium Seashelf | はい |
Adamant Weapon | PVP Series 7 – Level 15 Reward | いいえ |
Wind-up Themis | 'A Present From the Present' quest reward | いいえ |
Wind-up Erenville | Provided via item code with purchase of The Art of Succession – Relics of Heritage – Artbook | いいえ |
Wind-up Pelupelu | Sold by Pavli at Dock Poga for 8 x Pelu Pelplumes (Rank 4) | いいえ |
Tin Soldier S3 | Purchase from Faux Commander in Idyllshire for 400 x Faux Leaves | はい |
The Lawnblazer | Coffer drop in Cenote Ja Ja Gural Treasure Dungeon | はい |
Wisp of Darkness | Coffer drop in Cloud of Darkness (Chaotic Alliance Raid) | はい |
The Great White Tsuchinoko | Heavensturn 2025 Quest Reward (Expired) | いいえ |
ミニオンは、ファイナルファンタジー14で収集する人気のあるタイプのアイテムであるだけでなく、ゲーム内のウォレットを一括しようとしている人のために、マーケットボードを介してかなりの合計を作成するための主要な候補です。 Minions are also used in the Gold Saucer's Lord of Verminion game mode.
Related: All FFXIV Dawntrail Mounts & How to Get Them
以前に持っていなかったミニオンを取得または購入した後、在庫に移動し、「使用」を選択してコレクションに公式に追加し、召喚できるようにします。 If you obtain more than one of the same minions, consider selling it on the Market Board or trading it to a fellow player.
Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail and all previous expansions are available now on PC, Xbox Series X|S, and PS4/5.