Move over GTA 6 , Civilization 7 is the game to look out for in 2025 and nothing can change my mind. There's a lot to look forward to in the days leading up to Civ 7 's launch, including the Civ World Summit event. Here's how you can watch it.
Civ World Summitイベントは、5人の「 Civ Communityの著名なメンバー」の間のマルチプレイヤー対決であり、2025年2月8日午前11時の東部時間に放映される予定です。
I've also included a few different timezones down below to give you a better sense of when you should tune in:
タイムゾーン | Stream Time |
米国 - 東海岸 | Feb. 8, 11 am ET |
米国 - 西海岸 | Feb. 8, 8 am PT |
ヨーロッパ | Feb. 8, 5 pm CET |
日本 | Feb. 9, 1 am JST |
Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan | Feb. 9, 12 am SGT |
In addition to that, the five players participating are as follows:
The Civ World Summit will be held in Hamburg, Germany, and you can buy tickets to the physical event itself via the Rocketbeans website. The event will be held as XPERION Hamburg.
残りの私たちのNormiesについては、Firaxis Twitchチャンネル、 Civilization YouTubeチャンネル、またはCivilization Facebookページで無料でイベントを無料でストリーミングすることもできます。
イベントをTwitchでストリーミングすると、Twitchアカウントを2Kアカウントに接続して、Twitch Drop Rewardsの対象となることも注目に値します。 These are just purely cosmetic of course, but they're a nice incentive to keep folks engaged.
And that's how to watch the Civ World Summit even ahead of Civilization 7 's release.
Civilization 7 is set to be released for PC on Feb. 11, 2025.