Appearance and cleanliness plays a very important role in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 . It determines how people perceive you, and it can make or break certain quest outcomes. Here's how to bathe and clean yourself in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 .
Being clean is important in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 because it can shift how people perceive you and how they react to you.あなたが汚れや血で覆われたり、服を着たりしていない場合、人々はあなたと話をする気が少なくなり、情報を収集することが難しくなります。
Now that we've gone over the importance of being squeaky clean, let's talk about how you can actually bathe yourself in-game. There are three main ways of doing so: by washing at a trough, bathing spot, or a bathhouse.
Troughs are very commonly found in the open-world. Head to any town or outpost, and you should usually be able to find a trough of water right outside major stores or buildings. Interact with the trough to have Henry wash his face, and you'll be able to clean yourself up a little. This only washes away some blood and dirt, and does not clean your clothes.
Bathing spots are usually found at large bodies of water, such as bigger ponds or rivers. In the Trotsky region, there's one located west of the Nomads' Camp and the Cumans' Camp. All you have to do is walk into the water to help give your clothes a bit of a wash. This performs slightly better than troughs, but doesn't keep you 100% clean.
The best way to clean yourself is by visiting a bathhouse. These are also usually found in bigger towns, but you'll need to pay a small sum of Groschen to get clean. By bathing at a bathhouse, your clothes will get a good wash, and all blood and dirt will be washed off Henry as well. This is as clean as you get, and it's a good idea to visit a bathhouse every so often.
And that's how to bathe and clean yourself in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 .ゲームに関するヒントや情報をもっと調べてください。