Fairy Embers are key to unlocking new characters, Weapons, and Spells; some costing more than others.このガイドでは、おとぎ話の残り火を宣誓する最良の方法を紹介します。
There are 5 different methods of acquiring Fairy Embers in SWORN. Here's how to unlock them, and potential Fairy Ember earnings through each method:
方法 | Unlock by | Fairy Ember Reward |
Complete Fairy Ember Rooms during your run | n/a | 10 in normal rooms 20 in rooms with Major Foes |
Complete Event Rooms during your run | n/a | 1 Fairy Ember per enemy defeated in 45 seconds Note : Events may also be a Grail Water challenge instead. |
Buy Fairy Embers in the Shop during your run | n/a | 20 (Cost: 50 Gold) Note : This is the least efficient method to farm since it's not a common spawn in Shops. |
Bounty Board | Guinevere | 20 - 60 per Bounty (one-time claim) |
両替 | Guinevere | Trade 10 Moonstones for 10 Fairy Embers |
The fastest way to farm Fairy Embers is by prioritizing rooms that reward them during your run or completing Bounty Board challenges . Shops occasionally stock them, but their low spawn rate makes them an unreliable source.すべてを迅速にロック解除し、いくつかのボーナス機能を犠牲にすることをいとわない場合は、ムーンストーンに注目してください。通貨交換で妖精の残り火と交換できます。
For more SWORN check out our Ultimate SWORN Beginner's Guide on Pro Game Guides.