Minecraftの村人はかつて単純な取引を提供するクールな暴徒でしたが、今ではすべてのサバイバルの世界の重要な部分になっています。 So, if you plan on building a trading system, here are all the Minecraft villager jobs you should know.
The way to get villagers with jobs in Minecraft is to either find them in a village or assign them the job manually. Assigning a job is quite straightforward. All you need to do is place the workstation of that job near a villager. The villager will automatically take that job. Here are all the Minecraft villager jobs and their workstations:
Jobs | ワークステーション |
Armorer | 爆発炉 |
肉屋 | 喫煙者 |
Cleric | Brewing Stand |
Cartographer | Cartography Table |
漁師 | バレル |
Leatherworker | Cauldron |
Librarian | Lectern |
Weapon Smith | 砥石 |
Tool Smith | Smithing Table |
Fletcher | Fletching Table |
Stone Mason | Stonecutter |
羊飼い | 織機 |
農家 | Composter |
The Fisherman is here to take care of all your fishing needs. You can sell your catches for Emeralds or buy other essential utilities from them. The fisherman uses a Barrel for the workstation. The trades start from strings, coals, and different types of fish and go up to fishing-related enchanted Books once you level the villager up.
The Fletcher is the bowman in Minecraft , offering various items related to bows and crossbows. We all know how important a strong bow is in Minecraft , so having a Fletcher is important.あまりにも。 Their workstation is a Fletching Table. You can buy enchanted and normal bows and crossbows from them, as well as tipped arrows once they reach Master Level.
As the name suggests, the Armorer is going to be your NPC for your armor needs. They offer all kinds of armor, including Iron, Chainmail, and even Enchanted Diamond Armor. They need a Blast Furnace to work.複数の鎧を持つことは常に素晴らしいアイデアです。魅惑的なダイヤモンドアーマーの強力なスーツを作るために得られるさまざまなアーマーセットを組み合わせることができます。
If you are low on Emeralds, the Butcher can be really helpful to get some. They offer Emeralds for various types of meat, including Pork Chops, Beef, and Chicken. If you have a good farm, you can easily get a lot of Emeralds to use for other trades. Just get a villager in Minecraft and use a Smoker to give them a job as a Butcher.
Similar to the Butcher, the Farmer takes in the crops you farmed and gives Emeralds in return. They are a really good source of Emeralds if you have a good farm. Once you level them up, they also offer items like Golden Carrots, which are useful in the endgame. Their workstation is a Composter.
As the name suggests, the Leatherworker trades in Leather items like Leather Armor and Saddles. They require a Cauldron to work. Frankly speaking, you won't need a Leatherworker as much, unless you need a lot of saddles. They also accept Leather and give Emeralds in return, which could be a good source to get your emeralds.
The Librarian is by far one of the most important villagers in the game. They offer enchanted books, which are crucial in the endgame. Some enchantments are very hard to get through the Enchantment Table, but you can buy them through the Librarian. For instance, Mending is a crucial enchantment to have on all your tools, weapons, and items. While you can try to get it from an enchantment table, it's much easier to buy it from the Librarian. The workstation for a Librarian is the Lectern.
Shepherd is going to be your Minecraft Villager job for all your wool and dye needs. If you are working on a project that requires a lot of different colored wool or dyes, it will be helpful to have them around. They need a Loom to work.また、草の上で骨の食事を使用し、花を耕し、染料に変換し、羊飼いに販売するだけで、いくつかのエメラルドを耕作することもできます。
Much like the Librarian, Cartographer is also an essential villager to have in your world. They sell exploration-related items like maps and compasses.特に、マップは非常に便利です。ウッドランドマンションやオーシャンモニュメントのような場所を見つけることができるため、探索するだけで見つけるのは非常に困難です。 The Workstation for Cartographer is the Cartography Table.
Cleric sells unique items that are usually quite hard to come by.これらには、エンダーパール、レッドストーン、ラピスなどのようなものが含まれます。しかし、演奏だけで蓄積する一般的なもの、ガラス瓶、腐った肉も含まれます。 So, they are useful for not only some Emeralds but the rare items.
If you are left with a lot of Stone-type blocks after a huge project, then the Stone Mason can be an easy place to get Emeralds. They buy things like Clay, Stone, Diorite, and Andesite for Emeralds. They also sell Polished versions of these stone blocks as well as Colored Terracotta Blocks. All they need is a Stonecutter to work.
Related: How to Make a Bucket in Minecraft
Toolsmith sells all tools like Pickaxes, Axes, and Hoes except swords. It can range from Stone Tools up to Enchanted Diamond Tools once you level them up. The Toolsmith requires a Smithing Table to work.
Weapon Smith is where you will find the swords and axes you need to survive in Minecraft . Similar to the Toolsmith, they also start from Stone and offer Enchanted Diamond Swords and Axes once they reach Master level. The workstation for a Weapon Smith is the Grindstone.
The Wandering Trader isn't technically a villager, but as part of their job in Minecraft , they do offer trades.さまようトレーダーはあなたの近くにランダムにスポーンし、染料、苗木、さまざまなブロック、魚など、さまざまな種類のアイテムを提供できます。 There is no workstation for them as they spawn and disappear randomly.
理想的な方法は、おそらくあなたの取引システムに各村人の少なくとも1つを持っていることですが、誰もが13人の村人を獲得/繁殖させる面倒を通り抜けることはできません。 Realistically speaking, you only need a couple of them. That said, you can't just ignore villagers completely, as they have become an important part of the progression in Minecraft .
2. Cartographer: You are probably going to explore the Woodland Mansion and Ocean Monuments at some point, and you will need a map for that.
3. Armorer: A bit optional as you can get enchantments from the Librarian if you need anything specific. However, they're still a good source to get early enchanted armor if you can farm the emeralds.
4. Toolsmith : They come in handy when you want tools for mining journeys and don't want to damage your main tools.
5. Cleric: Cleric is the easiest way to Ender Pearls.
6. Source of Emeralds : Basically, any villager that you can use to buy Emeralds from. It depends on what resources you have in bulk.たとえば、小麦、ジャガイモ、ニンジンがたくさんある場合は、農家を使用するか、肉をたくさん用意している場合は肉屋を使用できます。
It's also a good idea to keep a spare villager. You can keep swapping their jobs for whatever you need.
And those are all Minecraft Villager jobs, explained.
Minecraftisは現在、PlayStation、Xbox、Nintendo Switch、PC、Mobileで入手できます。