Ceiling Design Ideas
A lot of people prefer simple flat white ceilings.それは、天井のデザインの可能性を無視しているためであることもありますが、それは彼らがそれが最良の解決策だと思うためです。 Even though I think white ceilings are awesome there are also other very cool ways to design them.寝室、キッチン、バスルームのいずれであっても、クールで創造的な天井のデザインは、この部屋にユニークな外観を与え、それを訪れるすべての人を感動させることができます。
We've gathered an awesome collection of ceiling design ideas that might help you to make at least one of your rooms cool and unusual. You can find here as simply painted in other than white colors ceilings as ceilings decorated wood boards, moldings and so on.
Some of these ideas could be used if you're planning a DIY renovation. Painting ceiling in different stripes or applying some cool decorations like wood panels isn't much harder than your usual painting process. Just don't forget, that custom-designed ceiling is an awesome way to add some depth to a room using interesting geometric structures.