Zombie Games Apk 1.3
Kecerdasan Santai
Perbarui waktu:March 3, 2025
Satu pertandingan untuk menghancurkan zombie.
It's time to kill the zombies, be careful because the zombies want to invade the city and you'll have to avoid it. Zombies adalah orang mati yang mencari balas dendam karena mereka menghabiskan warisan mereka secara langsung, permainan kami lebih baik daripada tanaman vs zombie karena Anda melakukan aksi dalam permainan dan bukan tanaman yang meluncurkan bola.
The game is very dynamic and fast, you have to demonstrate your ability to crush the zombies before they go completely out of their graves.
Kill all the zombies so they do not bring their inheritances.
If only one goes out the grave you will lose! how many zombies can you exterminate?