Apakah Anda berbicara atau mendengkur dalam tidur Anda? Cari tahu malam ini!
Dream Talk Recorder is an intelligent voice recorder that has been used by over 5 million people to record their sleep talks and snores at night! It automatically filters silence & records in high quality (Also available on iOS)
Do you talk or snore in your sleep? Find out tonight!
5 Star Customer reviews:
"Bekerja persis seperti yang diharapkan. Direkam ketika saya berbicara atau membuat suara sehingga ketika saya bangun saya bisa mendengarkan. Bahkan menunjukkan jam berapa saya berbicara/membuat suara." - GoshyG24
"Aplikasi yang luar biasa. Bagus untuk memeriksa bagaimana Anda tidur, mendengkur, dan jika Anda berhenti bernapas di tengah malam. Saya menggunakannya setiap malam. Anda dapat memutar malam Anda untuk dokter Anda untuk melihat apakah Anda mengalami masalah medis" - Robert Sable
"Using it for almost a year now, works great, its fun but also very helpful at the same time. (Snoring, dreamtalking, etc)" - Vikor Morvay
"Works awesome ! Exactly what I needed. And very easy to use." - Maria B
"Love this! Best app out of all that I've seen available. Highly recommend :-)" - Lisa Austen
About 5% of the world adult population talks in their dreams. Do you know if you, your kids or someone you know talk in their dreams? Do you know what happens in the darkest hours of the night? Do you know how many times your kids wake up at night? Find out today!
Dream Talk Recorder intelligently records your talks while you, your partner or your kids are talking or snoring in sleep. Our superior technology records only when you are talking or snoring ie, it automatically filters silence.
Touch a button in Dream Talk Recorder before going to sleep and in the morning you will be surprised and delighted to hear everything that you or your partner said at night.
Also now you don't have to argue with your partner if he/she snores at night. You will have a solid proof and can play it at the breakfast table :).
- It records only when a user is talking or snoring in the sleep. So the users don't have to listen to 7 full hours of recording. They simply get 20-30 short recordings when they are talking or snoring at night.
- User's can easily set delay time so that recording starts afters eg, 30 minutes. They also set after how many hours (eg, 6), the recording should stop automatically.
- It keeps a complete history with start/stop time and number of recordings
- Copy funny dream talks to favourites
- Sleep talk recording and snoring detection for Android
- Save important recordings to Dropbox
- Play and listen to recordings from history and favourites
- Delete all recordings from the last night by touching the row for a longer duration.
- Share your dream talks via email, Facebook/Twitter and other services with your friends. Ketika pengguna ingin berbagi rekaman, secara otomatis mengunggah rekaman ke server kami dan pengguna mendapatkan tautan pendek yang bagus ke rekaman yang dapat mereka posting di mana pun yang mereka inginkan. Hosting for the recordings is also completely free.
People also use Dream Talk Recorder to record their business meetings, class lectures and monitor their home when they are away eg, to see if dog was barking or a child was crying in their absence. Some users said that it's also very nice to use Dream Talk Recorder to record short voice notes.
You can download all the recordings. Use any Android File Manager and look for a folder named ' Dream Talk Recorder ' on your phone. It will contain all of your recording files.
Dream Talk Recorder
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