Hans needs your help yet again in “For Whom the Bell Tolls,” a main quest involving Trosky Castle. First, you need to use the power of alchemy to save somebody else. Here's how to make Fever Tonic in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 .
The recipe for Fever Tonic is in the Surgeon's Workshop in Trosky's Castle. You have two possible ways to get into the workshop. The first one is to sneak into the workshop. Yang kedua adalah menggunakan kekuatan kata -kata untuk meyakinkan Chamberlain bahwa Anda akan menjadikannya ramuan pencernaan untuk membantu perutnya, yang mengakibatkan dia memberi Anda akses ke bengkel.
If you don't want to sneak into the kitchen, then complete the objectives of “For Whom the Bell Tolls” through delivering the horseshoe. Then, return to the forge and speak with Cook Fanka. If you offer to help her with her locked chest, she leads you to the noble's kitchen. When you walk into the kitchen behind her, you can see the chamberlain hunched over in pain. Bicaralah dengannya dan sebutkan kesehatannya, lalu cobalah untuk melewati cek keterampilan untuk meyakinkannya bahwa Anda dapat membantu, yang memberi Anda akses ke bengkel ahli bedah. If you have or craft a digestive potion alongside the fever tonic and return to the chamberlain, he'll let you meet Thomas.
Jika pemeriksaan keahlian Anda gagal, Anda perlu mencuri makanan, meninggalkan dapur, dan menuju ke sisi lain halaman di mana ada satu set tangga lain menuju ke pintu di sebelah kanan Anda. This leads to the kitchen you're allowed to use, but a guard is there. Talk to him and give him the food you stole, then he leaves the kitchen. From here, you can sneak upstairs to find the Surgeon's Workshop, where you find his journal on the bookshelf. Pick it up, read it, and use the station in the room to brew your potions.
The herbs for this potion are already set up on the surgeon's station. So, you can put your book on the page for Fever Tonicum and get started. Here are the steps you need to follow:
If you don't succeed the first time, don't worry. You have plenty of herbs to work with, and there are more in the chest in the room. However, since you've brewed at least one potion before this point, it shouldn't be too difficult to craft.
That covers how to make fever tonic in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 . With the fever tonic, you need to get to Thomas. If you made a digestive potion for the chamberlain and have his trust, return to him with both potions. If not, use the noble's kitchen to sneak up to the chapel to find Thomas and his sister, Adele. Speak with Adele to finish the quest.