Apakah Anda mencoba untuk memanfaatkan bermain sebagai Spider-Man atau hanya mencoba merobohkan tantangan, ada mekanik penting untuk dipelajari untuk crawler dinding di Marvel Rivals . So, here's what a Spider-Tracer is in Marvel Rivals and how to use one in a match.
Istilah "Spider-Tracer" muncul di seluruh rival Marvel , tetapi permainan tidak melakukan pekerjaan yang sangat baik menjelaskan apa adanya. Well, it's sort of a marker Spider-Man leaves behind after using his Web-Cluster move (LT on console and Right Click on PC). Meskipun Anda mungkin tidak banyak menggunakan langkah ini karena tidak banyak kerusakan, jika Anda menggunakan Peter Parker sebagai utama Anda, itu perlu berubah, karena pelacak laba-laba dapat menjadi perbedaan antara memenangkan pertempuran solo dan kalah.
Now that you know what a Spider-Tracer is, it's time to learn how to get the most out of one. The first to know is that the Web-Cluster starts with a five-shot load, allowing you to use five Spider-Tracers at a time. All it takes to land one is to hit the Web-Cluster button and hit your opponent. They'll take just a little bit of damage, but what you do next will send them running.
Having a Spider-Tracer on an enemy significantly boosts your next attack, and in some cases, it even changes how the move works. Here are all of Spider-Man's moves that are affected by a Spider-Tracer and how they work:
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Of course, the easy part is landing the Spider-Tracer, and the real challenge comes in deciding what to do next. To get the biggest bang for your buck, try pulling off Amazing Combo, which does an impressive 110 damage with a Spider-Tracer. Your opponent won't know what hit them, and then you can transition to the base Spider-Power to take them out.
Get Over Here! can be tricky because, with the Spider-Tracer, you will get sent flying toward them. That can be helpful when an enemy player enters your backline, but it's a very different story if the whole team is backing them up. Fortunately, Spider-Man's mobility allows him to escape quickly, meaning there's minimal risk in trying Get Over Here! keluar.
And that's what a Spider-Tracer is in Marvel Rivals and how to use one. Jika Anda mencari saya, berikut adalah semua pencapaian Chronoverse Saga di Marvel Rivals Season 1 dan bagaimana mendapatkannya.
Marvel Rivalsis tersedia sekarang di PS5, PC, dan Xbox Series X | S.