To enter Atlantis Island, you must acquire Zeus Heart, which in turn requires blowing up the old ruins using the TNT at the bottom of the ocean. Jadi, jika Anda tidak tahu cara mendapatkan TNT dengan mengaktifkan lima tuas atau lokasi jantung Zeus, berikut adalah panduan terperinci yang menjelaskan seluruh proses.
Firstly, speak to the captain of the Mysterious Pirates anchored near the Grand Reef to start the quest about the four lever locations. Initially, he won't reveal any locations. But, if you bribe him C$10,000, he will tell you to activate five lever locations on the Forsaken Shore island. So, go to the GPS location X: -2427,Y: 133,Z: 1557 to reach the island where you have to find the five levers.
Setelah memicu kelima pengungkit, Anda harus pergi ke lokasi Jack Marrow NPC di Pulau Forsaken (NPC yang memperbaiki peta Anda) untuk menemukan TNT besar di belakangnya dalam lubang seperti gua kecil. Take it and return to Grand Reef.
The next step in the process is to blow up the TNT. For this, you require the Advanced Diving Gear. Go to the ( -790.3, 129.6, -3102.9) to find an orange floating buoy with advanced diving gear. Pay C$15,000 and get the gear. Return to the Grand Reef and equip the item to make a dive to the bottom of the ruins. Place the TNT in the star-like markers to fix it. Now, you will find a TNT Trigger a few steps behind the TNT in front of the ruins. Press it to detonate the TNT, opening a path to the underwater passageway .
Navigasikan melalui jalur air menggunakan perlengkapan selam Anda untuk muncul kembali di ujung yang lain, di mana Anda akan menemukan jantung Zeus diletakkan di atas lempengan batu, seperti yang ditunjukkan pada gambar di atas. It has a turquoise appearance with gold linings all around the body. Collect it and return to the Grand Reef POI .
The next step is to open the portal to the Atlantis. Once it turns night , equip the Zeus Heart and stand at the exact location as shown in the image to teleport yourself to Atlantis. Itu saja! You have reached the Atlantis in Fisch.
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