Believe it or not, there are more Greek gods from the Marvel Universe that haven't made it into Marvel Snap yet. Ares rounds out the Dark Avengers season, so here are his best decks in Marvel Snap .
Ares is a 4-cost, 6-power card with an ability that reads: “On Reveal: Compare the Power of the top 3 cards of both decks. If your total is higher, +6 Power.”
Ketika AR membandingkan kartu, Anda tidak bisa melihat tiga kartu dibandingkan, tetapi Anda melihat jumlah total ditambahkan bersama -sama, memungkinkan Anda untuk memiliki ide bagus tentang apa yang sedang dalam perjalanan.
Seperti yang dapat Anda bayangkan, kartu 4-biaya, 12-daya agak kuat dan slot ke geladak dengan kartu bertenaga tinggi lainnya seperti Cull Obsidian dan Infinaut.
At the same time, Ares is countered by Shang-Chi, Shadow King, and decks that also run high-powered cards, leaving him at an average of 6 power.
Still, he can be discounted by Zabu and can buff up Surtur, so he definitely has his place in the ever-evolving Marvel Snap meta.
Ares is fairly flexible as long as you're running big, dumb cards. Banyak pemain kemungkinan akan melemparkannya ke dalam daftar Arishem, tetapi saya pribadi melihatnya melakukannya dengan baik ke dalam dua deck: daftar surtur yang dulu kuat tetapi sejak yang dijual dan, percaya atau tidak, HeLa. Mari kita lihat yang pertama:
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The Series 5 cards in this list include: Nico Minoru, Surtur, Cull Obsidian, Red Hulk, and Skaar. Of these, Nico Minoru and Red Hulk can be replaced, but the others are mandatory. Swap Nico Minoru for another good one drop – or even Squirrel Girl – so you have two enablers for Cull Obsidian. Magneto makes for a great Red Hulk substitute.
Dek ini agak mudah: Mainkan Zabu dan Surtur di awal permainan, kemudian menuai imbalan memenangkan jalur dengan kartu bodoh besar sambil menggosok dan melindungi Surtur di yang lain. Cosmo shields against Shadow King and Armor protects against Shang-Chi. Aero provides a little bit of disruption and Red Hulk is a great final turn play along with a Skaar that costs nothing.
Related: Best Bullseye Decks in Marvel Snap
Just be careful where you play Attuma as you can delete your own cards that have less power than him.
Akhirnya, Ares sangat cocok di sini karena ia akan meningkatkan Surtur pada kurva, dan Anda memiliki peluang yang sangat baik untuk mengalahkan lawan Anda dengan kemampuannya dengan begitu banyak kartu 10-biaya di dek Anda.
Selanjutnya adalah daftar HeLa yang mungkin tidak banyak Anda lihat sejak kutu buku baru -baru ini, tetapi saya berpendapat bahwa dia mendapat buff kecil dan sangat dimainkan. Ini daftar:
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The only Series 5 card in this list is Gorr the God Butcher. Jika Anda tidak memilikinya, pertimbangkan untuk menukarnya dengan Magneto sambil juga mengeluarkan Silver Samurai untuk sesuatu seperti Jubilee untuk membantu Anda menemukan HeLa.
The goal with this Hela list is to discard as many different cost cards as possible to fulfill her new ability, which only summons one of each. The ideal line is to hit Sword Master, Ares, Aero, Gorr the God Butcher, and Death with discard effects before playing Hela. Silver Samurai helps with this, as he'll always hit Gorr if he's in hand; otherwise, it requires a bit of luck to get this off perfectly.
Even if you don't, Ares helps win here as you have so many high-powered cards that you'll have a good chance of rocketing him up to 12 power. At the same time, you can discard and revive him to get his effect off at the end of the game with Hela.
Dengan Thaddeus Thunderbolt Ross, sebuah kartu yang membantu menggambar kartu 10-biaya, di jalan, saya pikir Ares akan menjadi bahan pokok di dek seperti surtur di sekitar saat itu. Saat ini, Surtur tidak terlalu kuat, dan karena kemampuan Ares bersyarat, dia tidak benar -benar layak jika Anda tidak tertarik dengan gaya gameplay yang besar dan bodoh. Still, I recommend getting him if you do have the resources as Marvel Snap continues to add big cards month after month.
And those are the best Ares decks in Marvel Snap .
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