All the Lyrics and Tunes of Hymnes et Louanges
With Hymns and Praise with Tunes you now can read the lyrics of "Hymnes et Louanges" song Book in French used.
Also Included in this App:
+Hymnes et Louanges (French) (Hymns and Praise) book.
+SDA Hymnals (English)
+Traditional Christian Hymns (in English)
+ Hymns from 1962 edition (in Spanish)
All the Lyrics come with audio tunes for your listening pleasure. This App focuses on helping you Worship. Works well on Phone, Tablets.
Features worth mentioning:
1) Audio Tunes for each lyric.
2) Add to Favorites
3) Search Lyrics by title.
Some of the hymns in this book correspond to the Hymns of Chants D'Esperance.
Build with the same Ease of Use of the popular: Worship and Praise Lyrics App.
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