An amazing hand grenade app for your device!
Have you ever found yourself in a war zone but you were fresh out of grenades? It has happened to me 8 times. Well, never again! With Hand Grenade for Android, you can take a fully rechargeable grenade with you wherever you go!
Using hand grenade is simple and fun. Tap the screen to pull the pin. The grenade will go off in 5 seconds. Throw your phone and hit the deck!
NOTE: You probably shouldn't throw your phone.
Don't worry. It's not a real grenade and your phone won't explode. It's an awesome gag though. You can even use it to play Hot Potato!
- Play jokes on your friends and family!
- Prank your neighbors into thinking your phone is a grenade!
- The graphics are so real, you will forget that it's just a phone!
- Fire up the app and then let hot girls at the club see your sweet grenade. A fail proof opener!
- Easy to use, no instructions required!
- Can be used over and over for hours of endless fun! It might end up being more addictive than you think!
I am always looking to improve my apps, so please leave comments with suggestions on things I can add to make it better! I update often based on feedback!
What are you waiting for!? Impress your friends! Fool your enemies! Get the girl! All is possible when you download Hand Grenade! Tested on a Galaxy S II, batteries not included.