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Hate going into the browser constantly to use NextBus? Now You can use this handy NextBus app to easily find your selected route. With a very streamlined and easy to use interface, it's simple to find the exact route you want with up-to-the minute bus tracking to get to where you need to go fast!
As always, please report any bugs or typos using the "Email Developer" option here or in the app.
Also, if you don't like my app for whatever reason, just know that this is a free product that I'm providing to you without advertisements before you start complaining in the comments. Also, I don't really care. *Legitimate problems (such as bugs or non-functionality) is understandable*, but just bashing it because it's not to your "preference" is not valid. Props to everyone who appreciates it for what it is, though.
Haters gonna hate.
-Updated some stop names