Graffiti Name Maker is a graffiti tool that make text in graffiti font
Graffiti Name Maker is a graffiti tool that make text in graffiti font. Graffiti Name Maker contain more than 140 fonts. Support rotation, scale. moveable.
Has 10 pre defined background but you can import own background Image.
Define your text with color, shadow and outline.
Share Images with Graffiti Name Maker on Facebook or Twitter but, can save as png too.
A small manual can you find on pictures gallery top.
Possible options are shadow color, distance x and y, outline Color, width ,miter and outline join.
Make beautiful graffiti text on a Image with Graffiti Name Maker.
Graffiti Name Maker has two In-App Purchase:
1. Disable advertising
2. On the trail version you can only use two fonts after update to pro version you can use more than 140 fonts in Graffiti Name Maker