Où vous mettez vos points dans l'arbre de compétences est la partie cruciale de votre construction pour chaque classe. Je ne suis pas encore de niveau 50, mais je vous guiderai à travers la compétence la plus forte jusqu'à ce niveau, c'est là que vous pouvez équiper deux compétences actives. Here's the best skill tree for each class in Arcane Conquest .
I like being flexible with my Champion with both the best DPS with Rune of Flames and good mobility with Dash. Rune of Flames is definitely a must-have on here but you can adjust the rest to your preference. Par exemple, si vous avez 2 paladins ou plus dans votre groupe sur Calamity et que vous avez confiance en vos Dodges, allez en rouge plein et prenez de la rage sorciers en tant que deuxième actif. Alternatively, make your secondary tree Green for full Defensive Training and take Daring Vault as your movement.
32 in Assault (Red) | 6 in Shield (Green) | 12 in Wind (Blue) |
Unending Resolve 6/6 Master of War 8/8 Sorcerous Rage 6/6 Rune of Thorns 6/10 Rune of Flames 6/6 | Defensive Training 6/8 | Surefooted 10/10 Dash 2/6 |
For Shadowmancer we want all the DPS we can get except Thorns. Prepare to unleash your entire rotation/cycle each time Sorcerous Rage is up and this includes Rune of Flames. Focused Rage will help you crit. I put the extra points in Dash in case you want a safer option than going full damage with Rune of Flames. Make sure your damage spell is upgraded for damage (I) and your SG for cooldown . The Shield tree dip is only for Restorative Training to help with sustaining. That said, you can also ignore it and go full Dash.
32 in Assault (Red) | 6 in Shield (Green) | 12 in Wind (Blue) |
Unending Resolve 6/6 Master of War 8/8 Sorcerous Rage 6/6 Rune of Thorns 2/10 Focused Rage 4/4 Rune of Flames 6/6 | Restorative Training 6/6 | Surefooted 10/10 Dash 2/6 |
When I play Paladin I like doubling down on the tank and support aspects so I focus on Mending Herbs and Herbal Aura with Thorns as secondary. This allows you to keep both yourself and your party extra healthy even on Calamity. You even have Sorcerous Rage for some extra DPS from time to time. If you prefer a more damage-oriented Paladin for soloing, go for full Thorns, Rune of Flames, and some points in Mending Herbs for Sustain.
24 in Assault (Red) | 26 in Shield (Green) | 0 in Wind (Blue) |
Unending Resolve 6/6 Master of War 4/8 Sorcerous Rage 6/6 Rune of Thorns 8/10 | Restorative Training 6/6 Defensive Training 8/8 Mending Herbs 6/6 Herbal Aura 6/6 | / / |
With an Elementalist it's all about sustained damage cycles. Sorcerous Rage with Focused Rage is your cooldown to track where you go nova with spells and Rune of Flames . Assurez-vous que vos sorts sont d'environ 3,5 à 3,7 recharges pour un DPS optimal, ce qui signifie que vous ne pouvez pas passer à un temps de recharge complet et des mises à niveau complètes de dégâts, alors trouvez un équilibre. It's better to dodge damage on Calamity than tank it but the extra defenses and regen from Green helps out if you make mistakes. With this in mind, if you don't want to get closer for RoF then go with Dash in Blue.
32 in Assault (Red) | 8 in Shield (Green) | 10 in Wind (Blue) |
Unending Resolve 6/6 Master of War 8/8 Sorcerous Rage 6/6 Rune of Thorns 2/10 Focused Rage 4/4 Rune of Flames 6/6 | Defensive Training 8/8 | Surefooted 10/10 |
With an Arcanist it's a similar situation as with the Elementalist except Sorcerous Rage is even more important for bursting down groups with your charged spells. Other than that if you don't plan getting a bit closer for Rune of Flames then go with Dash instead in Blue. This means you can remove points from Thorns and RoF.
32 in Assault (Red) | 8 in Shield (Green) | 10 in Wind (Blue) |
Unending Resolve 6/6 Master of War 8/8 Sorcerous Rage 6/6 Rune of Thorns 2/10 Focused Rage 4/4 Rune of Flames 6/6 | Defensive Training 8/8 | Surefooted 10/10 |
And those are all the best skill trees for all classes in Arcane Conquest . For more Arcane Conquest guides, check out my class tier list.