If you want to play Jujutsu Odyssey in peace and quiet and without trolls, then you need to play on a private server. But, with such a high cost, getting your own private server can be difficult. If you want to log into one for free, check our list of Jujutsu Odyssey private server codes below.
The only way to get a private server for Jujutsu Odyssey is to buy it from the Game Pass store for 850 Robux . Après cela, vous pourrez accéder à votre serveur privé à partir du menu principal en jeu en vous rendant aux serveurs privés → Générer du code → Copier-Posée le code dans le champ de code PS → Rejoignez .
Also, if you don't already own the Private Server Game Pass, you will get a prompt to buy it if you try to generate a PS code. So, there is actually no need to open the in-game shop or the one on the game's Roblox page. Just log into the game and click on Generate Code in the Private Servers menu.
In general, buying private servers for Jujutsu Odyssey isn't really worth it . The 850 Robux is just too steep of a price despite them being permanent. If you want to spend Robux on this game, buying the Skip Spin or the Extra Character Slot game passes is a lot better.
That covers about all you need to know regarding private server codes for Jujutsu Odyssey. If you want to learn more about JJO, including which clans and cursed techniques are best, visit the guides section here on PGG.