Check all FGC train timetables, closest stations, ticket prices and routes ?
Official Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya (FGC) app to check train timetables for all the lines, the Montserrat rack railway, fares, your routes and information about train status and delays, amongst many other options. Download the FGC app and save time, get all the information in your pocket, in just a few clicks!
❖ Check all train times and FGC zones of lines S1, S2, S5, S6, S7, L6, L7, L12 and the Montserrat rack railway.
❖ Find out FGC fares for all the different train tickets and season passes.
❖ Get recommendations regarding the most suitable train tickets for you according to FGC zones and your needs.
❖ Find out the nearest FGC stations and the shortest route from your starting point to the destination of your journey, thanks to geolocation.
❖ Find out in real time how crowded your train is.
❖ Find information about additional services available at each train station.
Create your user profile which will allow you to use the FGC app in a much more personalized, fast and convenient way:
❖ Save your regular routes.
❖ Save the routes you have taken in the last 6 months.
❖ Activate the alarm and we will notify you when you arrive at your destination station.
❖ Select your preferred language: Catalan, Spanish or English.
❖ Warn us about incidents and antisocial behavior, such as smoking or drinking alcohol.
❖ Contact us.
Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya (FGC) is a public company belonging to the Generalitat (the government of Catalonia) and founded in 1979. We have been connecting Catalan territory for 40 years, managing railway, tourist and mountain services. We currently run various public transport services: metropolitan and commuter lines in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area (the Barcelona-Vallès line and Llobregat-Anoia line), as well as the Lleida-Balaguer and La Pobla de Segur broad-gauge line and the Gelida funicular. FGC also operates mountain resorts such as La Molina, Vall de Núria, Vallter 2000, Espot, Port Ainé, Boí Taüll and tourist trains such as the Tren dels Llacs and Tren del Ciment and the rack railway and funiculars of Montserrat.
You can also find us at:
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DOWNLOAD THE OFFICIAL FGC APP NOW! Keep full information about all Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya trains and the Montserrat rack railway handy at all times, together with information about zones, timetables, fares and your regular routes. ?